Pete Hegseth: Who is Trump’s new defense secretary?

by time news

Former TV presenter
Pete⁢ Hegseth: Who is Trump’s controversial defense secretary?

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Pete Hegseth ⁤was a ⁤Fox News anchor for eight years.​ Now the 44-year-old is ‌set to‍ become Trump’s⁤ defense ​minister without a‍ hint of ‌government experience. Who is the man?

When Pete Hegseth was named defense secretary last week, Washington thought the‍ news was ⁤bad news. Some politicians have never heard⁤ of ⁤it. “Pete who?” asked Republican Senator Bill Cassidy‌ when asked for‌ comment.‌ He was​ known‌ to others as the face of the popular Fox News show “Fox & Friends,” which Hegseth hosted for eight years. But to most Americans, Pete Hegseth is just “the man with the axe.”⁢ In 2015, the presenter became an internet phenomenon‌ when he overshot the target during an ax throwing competition and hit a member of​ a​ military band in the ‍arm.

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Now Hegseth is ‌back ⁣in the headlines. The TV presenter‍ not only has a government experience on his nomination,‍ but also some uncomfortable ​exposure. The 44-year-old was accused of sexual assault a few years ago and his suspicious tattoos have already⁣ caused a stir.

Typically, these were‌ major‍ obstacles⁤ on the way to the top ​of the ‍Pentagon. But Donald Trump is ‍firmly behind ⁤his candidate. The president-elect praised Hegseth as⁣ “tough,⁢ smart and a true defender of‍ America First.” “With Pete at the helm, America’s enemies have been warned,”⁣ Trump said.