Petition to Extradite Prime Minister Netanyahu and Conflict of Interest Claims

by time news

This morning (Thursday) another petition was submitted to extradite Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Nebtserut, after a previous petition was rejected last month. The new petition claims that Netanyahu should be taken to prison due to a conflict of interest that harms the security of the state.

● Due to the “constraints of the war”: the court decided not to speed up the hearings in the Netanyahu trial
● Attorney Baez Ben Tzur, Netanyahu’s defense attorney in case 4000, asked to resign from the representation
● The High Court of Justice has ruled: the fortification law is personal – and will only apply from the next Knesset

Among the petitioners: Sassofi Barzon-Makai and Ron Shafroni who survived the massacre at Kibbutz Bari, former Chiefs of Staff Dan Halutz and Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon, Major General Nimrod Shafer, a fighter pilot who was Chief of Staff of the Air Force and CEO of the Aerospace Industry, as well as MK Naama Lazimi , Brigadier-General in resp. Ofer Lapidot who was the head of the planning department in the Air Force and colonel in resp. the former deputy head of the National Security Council.

In the petition, which was submitted through the lawyers Iris Weisbort-Verdi, Dr. Gal Levertov and Moran Saburai, it is claimed that there is a conflict of interest between Netanyahu’s ability to conduct his trial and Netanyahu’s inability to conduct a trial alongside the affairs of the state, the preference of his personal affairs over those of security- public during wartime and his unclear health condition.

“Systematic and unusual omissions in their severity”

The petitioners claim that the conflict of interest causes Netanyahu to “prioritize in his decisions his personal interest and his personal interest over the public, state and national interest. This serious conflict of interest has resulted and continues to result in a very long series of systematic and unusual acts and omissions in their severity, which caused – and continue to cause, as long as Mr. Netanyahu continues to serve as prime minister – to the most severe, ongoing damage to the security of the State of Israel, to public security, to the security of the fighting IDF soldiers and even to the security of the hostages held by Hamas, and they even have the potential to put the very existence of the state in grave and tangible danger, God forbid “.

The petitioners further claim that the acts and omissions are not the result of an error in judgment or a wrong policy, but rather stem from the conflict of interest in it.

The petitioners claim that the petition is urgent, since “with every passing day, the serious and malignant conflict of interest deepens, and the danger to the security of the state and the public, the abductees, and the IDF soldiers increases.”

A previous petition was denied

We will recall that in January the High Court deleted the previous petition that was also submitted by former Chief of Staff Dan Halutz before the Hamas attack. As part of that petition, it is claimed that Netanyahu is acting in a conflict of interest when he deals with the legal revolution. Judges Uzi Fogelman, Yitzhak Amit and Noam Solberg stated that the petition is deleted because it is based on an allegation of violation of the conflict of interest settlement due to Netanyahu’s preoccupation with legal reform, but since the beginning of the war, the promotion of the reform has been stopped. “As soon as they return and raise additional claims, the parties’ claims are reserved for them,” the decision reads.

Among those representing the petitioners is Dr. Gal Levertov, former director of the international department at the State Attorney’s Office. According to him, although the previous petition was recently rejected, the court left an opening. In addition, there are now new arguments concerning the war and Netanyahu’s health.

“The court left an opening for a petition; and most importantly, Netanyahu’s attempt to fortify himself as an exclusive ruler was canceled, and it was determined that it will apply from the next Knesset; so we can claim to be fortified,” says Levertov. “The regime coup continues, and things have gotten worse since then. In addition, there is no response to the medical matter. There was a health declaration which is not a health report. And thirdly, the security issue: we see behavior that on the face of it is not compatible with the security interests of the State of Israel. The fear is that Netanyahu is running the war According to his interests and not according to the interests of the State of Israel.”

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