Petro attacked Milei, the favorite to stay with the presidency of Argentina

by time news

2023-08-31 00:10:37

There and here. The irruption of Javier Milei, a true outsider of politics in Argentina, to reach the Casa Rosada has surprised not only his compatriots, who supported him in the primaries on August 13, but also politicians and leaders of the region such as Gustavo Petro, who this Wednesday attacked the presidential candidate for a controversial statement he gave in a Colombian media.

Javier Milei, an ultra-right economist who obtained 32.31% of the votes in the primaries for the Argentine presidential election, became a serious candidate for the presidency of that country, which he will contest against the former Security Minister, Patricia Bullrich. , and the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa.

The candidate, who enjoys high popularity for his particular proposals such as dollarization, demolishing the Central Bank, passing a “chainsaw” through public spending, allowing the carrying of weapons and the sale of organs; and prohibit abortion, he spoke to RCN Radio about his ideas and his political project, he also referred to the “decline” of Argentina, which, according to him, began with socialism.

Read here: Why did Alberto Fernández give up running for re-election in Argentina?

“Argentina’s decline begins with embracing socialist ideas, that is, the true Argentine disease is called socialism. To the extent that a country embraces these ideas, the only thing that will happen to it is to become increasingly poorer”, said the candidate on the radio station, at the same time that he criticized those who consider themselves socialists.

“What is a socialist, deep down? He is a piece of garbage, a human excrement, ”he added.

It was this last statement that the Colombian president rejected, who reacted on his X account (formerly Twitter) with a strong comparison. In his short comment, Petro compared the Argentine with the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, pointing out that what the candidate said is the same speech used by the German.

“This was what Hitler said,” Petro wrote on the social network, a message that has not been responded to by Milei or members of her campaign.

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After the results of last August 13, Milei continues to be the favorite candidate to reach the presidency of Argentina. Several polls published in recent days show that the intention to vote (close to 40%) favors him over his rivals, two traditional politicians.

With her disheveled hair (which some say is a wig) and an aggressive speech against what she calls “the political caste”, Milei became the phenomenon that shook the status quo in the primary elections.

“The caste is afraid.” “Long live freedom, damn it!” the 52-year-old economist, a libertarian and far-right deputy, cried out at his rallies. “I did not come here to guide lambs, I came to awaken lions”, was his motto.

After being elected deputy in 2021, Milei raffled off his salary, in a gesture of contempt for the perks of politicians. His criticism of state intervention has been echoed in the most disadvantaged areas of Argentina, where poverty grows.

And criticism from former collaborators who denounced that he asked for a payment in dollars for assigning candidates does not seem to have dented his rising popularity, especially among young men jaded or indignant with traditional politics.

He has published several books and at the same time has been accused of plagiarizing entire paragraphs. In addition, he had a radio program on the web, “Demoliendo mitos”.

Single and childless, his love for his mastiff dogs and his very close relationship with his sister Karina make up, according to his own statements, his closest affective circle.

On October 22 it will be known if he will be the next president of Argentina, or if he is going to a possible ballot on November 19 with one of his two rivals.

#Petro #attacked #Milei #favorite #stay #presidency #Argentina

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