Petro delegitimized disapproval polls of his government

by time news

2023-11-23 19:19:07

President Gustavo Petro attacked his government’s citizen disapproval surveys, which he called misleading, after publishing the results of a measurement contracted by the Casa de Nariño in which he appears with results that leave him better off in that matter. .

Also read: Disapproval of President Petro reached 66%, according to the Datexco Opinionometer

The president spoke through his social networks, where after questioning the polls that did not favor him, he assured that his approval among citizens is such that if he is launched tomorrow he would win the presidential elections again, as happened in 2022.

This Thursday, Petro made this controversial statement after revealing the results of a survey by the National Consulting Center, which the Administrative Department of the Presidency (Dapre) hired, to measure the image of the head of state among citizens.

This measurement financed with public resources showed that 51.7% of the 1,608 citizens surveyed have a positive image of the president, in contrast to 44.5% who have a negative image of him. Furthermore, 3.8% of the people who were surveyed responded that they do not know or do not respond.

With the results of this survey, carried out from November 17 to 22, President Petro showed his chest for his management and in addition to ensuring that he is in a position to win a new presidential election, he assured that the left also has to look triumphant in the face of the 2026 elections.

“Someone cheats in the polls, given that the pollster is also hired by the media. “We are in a position to win the presidential elections, we have to work harder and we must win in 2026, both in Congress and in the Presidency, so that the change is profound, real and irreversible,” said the president.

Along these lines, the head of state assured that the opinion measurements want to show that his government is unpopular and pointed out that “they even take away football from the people” in reference to the chants that were chanted against him in football matches in Barranquilla, Medellín and Asunción (Paraguay).

“They tell you that the government is unpopular. They raise cries of the wealthy in stadiums with expensive tickets. They even take away football from the people. But look: if the elections were tomorrow, we would win again,” Petro explained on his account on X (formerly Twitter).

Recent poll did not favor Petro

This week the most recent measurement by Datexco’s Opinómetro, prepared for W Radio, was released, which revealed that President Petro’s disapproval rose to 66% after one year and three months after he came to power.

The measurement, whose data was collected between November 15 and 17, and released on the 19th of the same month, asked each of the 700 citizens surveyed “Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Gustavo Petro is handling the country?”

To that question, 66% of those surveyed responded that they disapprove and only 26% that they approve, which represented a new rise in the disapproval measurements that citizens give to the management of the head of state.

Invamer survey technical sheet:

1. Name of the research project: Opinómetro Colombia.

2. Polling firm: Datexco Company SA – Opinionómetro

3. Collection dates: November 15-17, 2023

4. Natural or legal person who carried it out: Datexco Company SA – Opinómetro

5. Natural or legal person who entrusted it: The W

6. Source of financing: The W

7. Population universe: Total Colombian population over 18 years of age

8. Target group: Men and women over 18 years of age in the regions covered by the study

9. Sample type: Multistage sampling

10. Technique used for sample selection: Random selection of telephone numbers on RDD (Random Digital Dialing) telephone series in the regions covered by the study.

11. Weighting: Weighted sample population size, by gender and age (Source: Dane Census 2018), socioeconomic level (Source: National Planning)

12. Sampling frame: Database of telephone series of selected cities within the regions of the scope of the study.

13. Sample size: 700 telephone surveys.

14. Geographic Universe: Municipalities: Bogotá, DC (276), Barranquilla (50), Cartagena (15), Montería (4), Santa Marta (6), Sincelejo (3), Soledad (7), Valledupar (8), Armenia (5), Bello (7), Florencia (2), Ibagué (12), Manizales (19), Medellín (72), Neiva (14), Pereira (17), Bucaramanga (49), Cúcuta (17), Facatativá (3), Floridablanca (7), Girón (6), Soacha (11), Villavicencio (13), Cali (56), Palmira (4), Pasto (6), Popayán (9) and Roldanillo (2).

15. Collection technique: Household telephone survey.

16. Characters who were investigated: Gustavo Petro.

17. Margin of error and reliability (Precision): A relative standard error margin of estimation of 3.7% is observed for proportions with an occurrence phenomenon greater than 50% and with a confidence level of 95%.

18. Study topics: Cryptocurrency, departure of the Army from the town of El Plateado and the Government’s position on the ELN.

19. Report delivery date: November 19, 2023

#Petro #delegitimized #disapproval #polls #government

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