Petrobras (PETR4) begins the week under fire, from the government to the board

by time news

Minority shareholders of Petrobras (PETR4) start the week with more doubts than certainties. If anyone had the hope that something would be defined, about the future of Petrobras’ command, early on this Monday, it’s better to forget it.

The meeting that could bring some definition about whether or not Jean Paul Prates will remain as CEO of Petrobras, this Sunday, that is, before the market opens, was cancelled, according to Reuters.

President Lula, who has the final say in any definition of the most important chair at Petrobras, would have been irritated by the leak of the meeting, with the ministers of Finance, Fernando Haddad, of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, and of the Civil House , Rui Costa, and declined.


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On Friday, the minister of the Social Communication Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, Paulo Pimenta, stated that Petrobras would have an environment of “stability” in the next few hours or days.

According to Reutersone of the sources interviewed this Sunday stated that the expectation is that Prates will not “arrive at the end of the week” as CEO.

The president of BNDES, Aloizio Mercadante, a historic PT member, was mentioned last week among those considered to take over from Prates – which brought down the oil company’s shares.

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Talks about Prates’ possible departure gained strength amid clashes with the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, especially after debates about the payment of extraordinary dividends by the company.

For today, at the end of the day, a new meeting is planned, between Lula and Haddad. In addition to the issue of Prates’ position, the issue of Petrobras’ extraordinary dividends should be on the agenda, as this money would help – a lot – the government in reducing the fiscal deficit.

Petrobras (PETR4): advice

If there is friction between controlling shareholders, the same could not fail to occur among minority shareholders.

In an interview with the newspaper The globeone of the representatives of minority shareholders on the board at Petrobras, Marcelo Gasparino, suggested political action by advisors who represent the Union.

According to the G1In response, the president of the Board of Directors, Pietro Mendes, appointed by the Union, reacted.

Pietro sent a message to Gasparino and said that he made “serious accusations against the counselors appointed by the Union”, based on the interview.

Still according to the G1Pietro also asked Gasparino for a series of clarifications, including, to point out which deliberations “were taken with the intention of harming Petrobras to meet political interests?”.

Pietro also requested that Gasparino present proof of what he said to the newspaper.

In turn, Gasparino responded, according to the G1which, as the messages were directed to him, would request that the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) “be contacted immediately by the company to investigate any conduct of this advisor”.

On Friday, another counselor representing minority shareholders criticized the discussions about a change of command.

“The informational turbulence ends up creating great unrest for the market, companies and professionals, the low point of this process has been the dissemination of information, even of a reserved nature”, said Francisco Petros.

Court suspends counselor

This morning, Petrobras reported that the São Paulo Court ordered the suspension of counselor Sérgio Machado Rezende from holding his position.

The company stated that the decision was made by the 21st federal court of São Paulo based on a popular action.

The decision occurred, according to a statement from Petrobras, due to “alleged non-compliance with the requirements of the company’s bylaws in the appointment”.

“Petrobras will seek to reform the aforementioned decision through the appropriate appeal,” stated the company.


Last year, Rezende was considered ineligible for the collegiate after the Petrobras People Committee (COPE) pointed out that the nominee did not meet the necessary requirements set out in the company’s Bylaws as he was a full member of the National Directory of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB).

It was not possible to speak to Rezende immediately, according to the Reuters.

Counselor Rezende, nominated by the Union for the council, should not be reappointed to the board in 2024. Among those nominated by the government for the council that will be elected at the April 25th assembly, his name is not included.

Rezende is expected to be replaced by Rafael Dubeux, who is currently his deputy executive secretary at the Ministry of Finance.

(Com Reuters)

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