Petrobras will explore the Foz do Amazonas in 2024 – 10/13/2023 – Economy

by time news

2023-10-13 17:15:00

Despite resistance from the Government’s environmental area, the president of Petrobras, Jean Paul Prates, stated this Wednesday (11) that the state company hopes to receive in 2024 the license to drill a well in search of oil in the Foz basin. do Amazonas.

The company has been carrying out a public campaign for the liberation of the activity and organized an event with the BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) to discuss the issue, in the context of what the sector has begun to call ” just energy transition”.

At the event, the state company and the bank reinforced the discourse that exploration is necessary to renew Brazilian reserves and could contribute to the preservation of the jungle, by directing resources toward that end.

The state company was denied its request to drill on the coast of Amapá, a non-oil-producing area considered highly environmentally sensitive. The company appealed, but Ibama (Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) has not yet ruled.

In another license request, Ibama authorized the drilling of wells on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, an area that already has oil production.


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