PF tells the STF that there is no evidence of bribes to Renan Calheiros

by time news
Brazil Agency

Senator Renan Calheiros

A Federal police
sent this Wednesday (22) a report to the minister Edson Fachin
do Supremo Tribunal Federal
about an alleged scheme in contracts of Transpetro, a subsidiary of Petrobras
involving Senator Renan Calheiros
. According to the agency, there is no evidence that the parliamentarian received bribes in the episode.

The investigation investigated possible irregularities involving the Rio Tietê Shipyard. Calheiros is investigated for alleged crimes of passive corruption and money laundering.

“After analyzing the material evidence and listening to the allegedly involved, it was not observed the existence of elements that could corroborate the criminal hypothesis object of the present investigation”, said the delegate Lorena Lima Nascimento.

“The collaborators heard presented versions, in part, consistent with the facts, but they were not able to bring to the file or to produce from them, evidence capable of corroborating them”, he added.

According to the MPF (Federal Public Ministry), from 2008 to 2010, the senator would have asked for bribes for the then president of Transpetro, Sérgio Machado, with electoral donations to political allies.

The amount of the alleged bribe would have been R$ 150 thousand. The money would have been paid by the company NM Serviços to the State Directorate of the MDB in Alagoas, in September 2010.

“Despite the existence of converging versions of collaborators that the spurious payments requested by SERGIO MACHADO were addressed to, among other politicians, Senator Renan Calheiros, a direct link to his participation in the chain of spurious payments was not reached”, argued the delegate in the report.

“Other collaborators heard in the case file –José Sergio de Oliveira Machado, Paulo Roberto Costa, Suiz Fernando Nave Maramaldo and Felipe Rocha Parente, none of them brought evidence to the investigations that went beyond their respective versions, with a view to corroborating the alleged scheme of corruption that would be addressed to congressman José Renan Vasconcelos Calheiros,” he reported.

“The tracing of the path of money in cash perished in time, both because of the long time lapse, and because there is no direct link that the values ​​supposedly delivered by Wilson Quintella Filho, or by third parties appointed under the guidelines of Sergio Machado, had the investigated parliamentarian as their final recipient”, he added.

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