Pfizer, Moderna and rare thrombosis: “No cases recorded so far”

by time news

On the day of the precautionary stop in the United States of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine after 6 cases of rare thrombosis following the administration of the vaccine, the FDA also takes stock of vaccines Pfizer and Modern. And so far – when “over 180 million doses have been administered” of the two Covid vaccines – “we have not recorded cases of” rare thrombosis “associated with thrombocytopenia”, a phenomenon that was recorded instead in some people (in the order of a few units per million) vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson in the USA and with AstraZeneca in Europe. This was explained by Peter Marks, director of the center for research and biological evaluation of the US FDA, in a briefing transmitted online by the American regulatory body to illustrate the reasons that led the US authorities to temporarily suspend the administration of the Janssen vaccine ( J&J).

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Today, Moderna had already intervened with a note to reassure about its anti-covid product. “After a review of data from 64.5 million doses administered globally of the mRna-1273 vaccine, no association was found with cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis or thrombotic events,” says Moderna in the note. “A comprehensive evaluation of the totality of safety data available for mRNA-1273 after more than 64.5 million doses administered globally does not suggest an association with cerebral sinus venous thrombosis (CVST) or thrombotic events,” he later tweeted. – talking about their vaccine – the manufacturer. The analyzes were carried out using data relating to the period up to March 22, the tweet specifies.

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