Pfizer, together with AIL for patients’ rights: “Pronto AIL Roma” is activated

by time news

2024-07-16 08:36:00

Pfizer and AIL: “Pronto AIL Roma” arrives, dedicated to anemia patients and their families

For a few days, Pfizer play in collaboration with AIL ROMA “Vanessa Verdecchi” ODV country”Ready AIL Rome“, an information service dedicated to hematological patients and their families. The project was created with the aim of providing support and clear information on welfare, work and social security rights, and on the services provided byItalian Association against Leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma (AIL).

Despite the commitment of volunteers in providing information on the legal protections available, many workers suffering from oncological diseases (both acute and chronic) and their caregivers do not have full information about the laws that protect them.”, said the President AIL Rome Maria Luisa Viganò. “These protections, often inadequate to restore care and work, are often not used, causing significant economic damage for the families involved and for the production and welfare system. “.

Ready AIL Rome“We were created to fill this information gap, offering a personalized service that helps hematology patients and their families navigate complex bureaucratic processes. The service is active. from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 17:00through a dedicated number. The service aims to ensure that every patient and carer can access the necessary information to receive support tailored to their specific needs. Partnerships between AIL Rome e Pfizer Italy highlights the importance of working together to improve the quality of life of hematology patients and their loved ones by giving them the support they need.

We are very happy to create this work“, concluded the President AIL Rome. “When the patient calls, the Pronto AIL Roma operator provides information in real time. If requested, the Operator will send the Patient a summary of the information provided by email. A simple and important task but one that we are sure will be greatly appreciated“.

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