Pfizer vaccines are at slightly lower risk than Modern and Sputnik and much more so than Astra-Zenika Viansen

by time news

A new study published this month by researchers from the Hebrew University rates the effectiveness of various vaccines to prevent corona

Pfizer corona vaccines. Illustration:

Researchers from the School of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem compared the efficacy of nine vaccines against symptomatic coronary heart disease and severe disease in the adult population. In a new study published this month by Dr. Victoria Rothschild, Dr. Bruria Hirsch-Rekach, Dr. Jan Miskin, Prof. Mordechai Muscat and Prof. Ilan Matok in the scientific journal Scientific Reports from the Nature Group, they compare the effectiveness of new vaccines against corona, based on the results of Clinical trials conducted on each vaccine separately. The method of analysis used is called network meta-analysis – (NMA) – a method that allows you to compile and compare results from different studies, even when in none of the studies was a direct efficacy test of one vaccine compared to another. The use of data analysis makes it possible to evaluate the relative efficacy between each pair of vaccines and even rate them in terms of the probability of being the most effective vaccine.

The vaccines included in the study: Two mRNA vaccines – company Pfizer (BNT162) and Company Modern (mRNA-1273); Two vaccines that use a different virus (adenovirus) that carry a DNA fragment of the corona virus – a vaccine of Astra-launch company and Sputnik vaccine; A vaccine that uses adenovirus to transmit S corona virus S protein Janssen; A vaccine containing S protein of the corona virus of a company Novavax; Three vaccines based on “classic” technology that contain inactive corona virus of a company Sinopharm And company Sinovac.

According to the results of the study, the subjects vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines, from Pfizer and Moderna, have the lowest relative risk of developing symptomatic corona, compared to the other recipients of the vaccines tested in the data analysis. Pfizer vaccinated had a 85% lower relative risk of developing symptomatic disease compared with Astra-Zenica Viansen vaccinated. A similar figure (79%) was observed in modern immunocompromised patients compared to Astra-Zenika Viansen. Two vaccines mRNA Were rated as having the highest probability of preventing symptomatic disease in the adult population compared to other vaccines.

The researchers rated the probability that a particular vaccine would protect best compared to other vaccines:

  • Pfizer – 95%
  • Modern – 84%
  • Sputnik – 78%
  • Novavax – 70%
  • Sinovac – 57%
  • Two vaccines Sinopharm – 43% and 33%
  • Jansen and Astra-Zenika – 20%

In addition, a trend of higher efficacy of mRNA vaccines in the prevention of severe coronary heart disease has been observed. The researchers found no difference between the different vaccines in terms of their effectiveness in preventing symptomatic disease in a population over the age of 65.

The results of the study can pre-determine the vaccination policy in combination with other variables such as the availability of the various vaccines, side effects, costs, storage conditions, transportation and more.

The researchers limit the results and note that the NMA method combines the results of different studies, assuming that the studies are similar in terms of design, population, when in practice there are always differences to one degree or another between the studies. This is especially important in the context of corona studies, where we are witnessing varying waves of morbidity in terms of population morbidity, geographical location, different variants of the virus and their resistance to vaccines. Each variable may affect the results of vaccine efficacy in each study individually and thus affect the relative efficacy as calculated in the NMA.

The scientific article

More on the subject on the Knowledge website:

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