Phenomenology of the right in government

by time news

NoonNovember 4, 2022 – 09:13 am

from Fortunato Cerlino

“This time there wasn’t even the phenomenon of busted polls” …

“Do not you remember? At the time, those who voted for Berlusconi took the shame to say so ». The other lowers his gaze to the ground.

A battered pigeon pecks a residue of bread on the ground.

A second pigeon arrives, bigger, stronger than the first. With a bullying tries to take possession of the booty … the first pigeon tries to defend itself as best he can.

“So? What were you supposed to tell me “?

A laconic smile, raised eyebrows, a sigh

deep … “I too voted to the right” …

«I didn’t understand» … A moment of perplexity, then … «Jà, nun fa ‘o fool» … The other remains silent. “But tu overo faje”?

“I voted with conviction and still am, indeed, the more days pass the more I like this government.”

«Myou are a municipal councilor of the Democratic Party »! The other sits down on a bench. The first pigeon begins to have the worst.

“I entered the voting booth sure of my ideas, when I opened the ballot, however, I had the enlightenment.”

“I’m tired of being a hypocrite. I wanted you to be the first to know that I am leaving the party “…

The friend sits next to him, bends over his knees, tries to rearrange his ideas. “But so? Suddenly”?

“‘The truth is that he’s been on the left for some time has bothered me. Nice words, nice talk, but then we know the substance well, or not? Starting with the Roman leadership group. ‘Na maniata of self-referential and self-defeating bourgeoisie, devoid of a political vision. Snobs who think they are better than others, even their constituents “…

“I understand self-criticism, but going to the other side seems exaggerated to me”!

“On the other hand, I live it as a passage of maturity”.

“Get the rave party rule. The secretary of our party spoke of a serious limitation to the freedom of citizens “…

«But here citizens? I know and you know it is four junkies’ and shit! Would you be willing to give them the garage of your house to those troglodytes “?

“So you’re simplifying it a little too much, aren’t you?”

«Simplification is just what is needed sometimes… it is not true that we are all the same. There are people who have not yet made peace with their father and live in protest, while the others run the country. Freedom is something that only useful and productive people deserve. It cannot be given away, devalued. If I give the car keys to my seven-year-old son, he’ll kill himself! The truth is that there are people ready to lead and people who can only take orders. It is an abstract idea of ​​democracy that has destroyed our society. I believe in democracy, but it is a horizon that only mature people can reach. The weak in power are dangerous to themselves and others. Welfare is one thing, help is another. You can only help those who intend to become a useful subject, otherwise it is a matter of taking the piss ”.

“The people need to be led by the hand by whom” …

“But pity you don’t stop talking bullshit”? He interrupts the other abruptly. «You speak of creatures, not of the people! The only thing that can improve the people is responsibility, discipline. I’m tired of sharing my life with the lazy, the crafty, the crooks and the thugs … take your son “…

«And instead I dare. Are your progressive ideas working in your home ”?

“Why don’t you want to admit that your son is sick and that the only way to save him is for you to kick the balls? That he finally becomes the authoritarian father he needs? Do you prefer to see him die “?

“Mo enough”! The friend yells.

The stronger pigeon, now disinterested in the booty, enjoys wounding the weaker one bloody.

“Left-wing ideas are a utopia. Immigrants, for example. Human beings who must be saved, who doubts it, but hypocrisy will not save them! To welcome them just to welcome them is equivalent to killing them, to delivering them into the hands of criminals. The data speak for themselves, or not? The right to abortion, ‘na sacrosanct thing, but why silence those who feel in their hearts that it is a crime? What difference does it make if the fetus holds three months, one month or one hour? The bridge over the strait, the Tav, the nuclear, all self-defeating battles! The citizenship income then, do we want to say it or not that half has favored only parasites and nothing? Do you understand or not that the weak make the whole country weak? We live in difficult times, we cannot afford it! ‘A war in Ukraine, here if a global conflict breaks out, we have to go back to arms, is this understood or not? And who brings them to the soldiers to shoot, ‘or income’ and citizenship or a sense of responsibility towards their loved ones and their land “?

The friend gets up. “Listen, I’m busy now” …

The other stops him by the arm. “Italy is in the hands of people like you who have become the whore of Europe, the lackey of the world”!

The friend breaks free, turns his back and walks away. The first pigeon capitulates. It remains lifeless on the ground in its own blood. The strongest pigeon enjoys the well-deserved prize of his supremacy.

November 4, 2022 | 09:13

© Time.News

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