Philipp Amthor: “This is state-organized human trafficking” – domestic politics

by time news

Monday evening. A new edition of the program “Viertel nach Acht – the talk that makes the headlines”. New topics, new exciters, new arguments!

The guests on Monday: CDU member of the Bundestag Philipp Amthor, Heiko Teggatz, chairman of the DPolG federal police union, ex-government spokesman Béla Anda, Nena Schink, BILD presenter and bestselling author, and BILD vice-president Paul Ronzheimer.

► What is special about the “Viertel nach Acht” format: The guests determine the topics themselves – everyone brings a “excitement” with them, which is then discussed by everyone.

+++ BILD is now also on TV! Click here for BILD LIVE +++

Much too high fuel prices

BILD Vice President Paul Ronzheimer is furious about the prices at the petrol pump.

“I don’t think anyone can pay for that anymore, not only for the gasoline, but also for the gas. A cold winter is looming and many people will no longer be able to afford heating. Politicians are doing far too little to help people who do not have enough money to drive, commute and heat. “

France could be a role model. There is an inflation adjustment: every citizen who earns less than 2000 euros a month receives 100 euros transferred to their account every month.

“We need that in Germany too. We need help NOW. “

CDU member of the Bundestag Philipp Amthor agrees. Especially in the regions where low wages are distributed, you can see that the fuel price hits extremely hard, which is why social compensation is needed.

▶︎ But: Shortly before the new government was formed, the scope of the current government was “quite limited”, so that a law could no longer be introduced during this time. For the Greens, however, the increased fuel price is “quite right” in order to “generate supposed pressure to move”, for example on local public transport, which does not even exist in rural regions.

German-Polish border

The chairman of the Federal Police Union Heiko Teggatz is upset about the situation on the German-Polish border. That is “dramatic”. The number of people entering Poland illegally from Belarus this month is much higher than expected.

“That is alarming. And now we urgently need to think about introducing border controls at the German-Polish border and, above all, ask ourselves: What is the reason? What is pushing people away from their homeland? And what is the main attraction for people to Germany? “

▶︎ Philipp Amthor on this: “I wish that we have a clear regime there – also with regard to illegal migration.”

But: “Border controls in our Europe – and this is also a lesson from Corona – can actually be the last option. We have to solve this on the external border with Poland and we have to put Lukashenko down there. ”

Because: “That is the very last thing, that is state-organized human trafficking. And we mustn’t allow ourselves to be blackmailed. ”

We need Freedom Day!

BILD presenter Nena Schink is delighted with a study that was recently published in the “Welt” and proves that no more people died in the past year than would have been expected without the virus. Of course, Corona is not harmless because of this, asserts Schink.

But, that’s finally the message to say: “The scare tactics must finally be over. We need Freedom Day and stop scare tactics! “

▶︎ Heiko Teggatz is also upset: “We have been talking about vaccination, testing and recovery for over a year.” Now a sign must be set: “When the health system no longer has to endure the strain because people have been tested, vaccinated or recovered events without the mask must be allowed again.“

Concerns about traffic light security policy

CDU member of the Bundestag Philipp Amthor worries about the future traffic light coalition, warns of an “uncertainty coalition”, especially when it comes to the issue of “illegal migration”.

“The answer should be to change lanes, prospects to stay instead of deportations – from my point of view that is only a first highlight of how neglected domestic policy could be treated in case of doubt in such a traffic light coalition.”

▶ ︎ Amthor explains the “lane change” in more detail: Those “who come via the asylum ticket” should be able to switch to gainful migration and then, in case of doubt, receive integration benefits.

For Amthor an absurdity: “I don’t think that’s right in the generality that is sometimes demanded. I think: if you enter the country illegally, then in case of doubt, if it is legally possible, you must also be returned. “

It is important to distinguish between “humanitarian migration via the right of asylum” and between immigration of skilled workers. “This separation makes sense and I am very concerned that this separation will continue to weaken. That is the policy of the Greens. “


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