“Photo-Stories for Community Action in Health. An experience around food, meals and commensalities» (free download book) – Public Health and other doubts

by time news

2023-10-28 18:48:54

Angela María Guerra Cordero, health psychologist and community

My grandmother taught me that health is in what we eat and that we can eat anything, even the most humble, as long as it is well grown and prepared. Perhaps with it I began years ago the mix of popular and academic knowledge that today makes the presentation of this book possible. In it you will be able to learn in detail about the community experience for health that a group of older adults from a popular neighborhood in the city of Tunja, Colombia, carried out around food, meals and their commensalities.

The objective of this experience was to understand the changes that their agri-food system has experienced in recent years and the impact this has had on their health and that of those close to them. Based on the participants’ own life stories and food wisdom, this initiative aimed to reveal the broad network of socio-historical relationships that go through the eating process of the urban popular classes and, therefore, their health-care process. illness-care. Likewise, we sought to demonstrate the participatory potential and practical knowledge that popular social groups have about the food process and that, given the guarantees, they can put into play with actions that affect the different moments of the agri-food process, thus managing to improve the Collective care of your health.

The reader will find that the work is presented organized by emerging categories. In each case, a mosaic of photographs and stories contributed by the participants is included, followed by a critical analysis that sought to investigate the structural roots that determine our ways of eating. In this sense, the book can be read in two ways: going through only the mosaics or stopping at each block of structural analysis. Depending on interest, the reader may choose one or both options without losing the common thread that connects the problematized elements.

I hope that this work constitutes, first of all, a thoughtful return for the participants in the process and for all the residents of the neighborhood. Secondly, I hope that it will be a conceptual and methodological contribution both for training processes and for teams of professionals interested in developing territorial work from the perspective of community health and health promotion. Enjoy!!

Two of the dozens of illustrations that this “Photo-story” has

[Para mí es una gran alegría y un honor que la profesora Guerra Cordero haya escogido este blog para editar y difundir su valiosísima obra “Foto-Relatos para la Acción Comunitaria en Salud. Una experiencia alrededor de la alimentación, las comidas y las comensalidades”, fruto de mucho tiempo de inteligente e innovador trabajo comunitario en el barrio de Los Patriotas de Tunja (Colombia). Desde hoy ofrecemos su descarga gratuita a los y las lectoras del blog. ¡No se pierdan este manjar comunitario!

Javier Segura del Pozo]

Free download of the book here:

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