Piano di Sorrento, the appeal of the lawyer Gassani to the father of little Ethan: “Try to return to Italy as soon as possible”

by time news

Piano di Sorrento. It has been almost a month since the little Ethan7-month-old baby, was taken from his mother Claudia Ciampaby the father, an American citizen. Since then, the mother, desperate, worried, heartbroken and still breastfeeding him, has been struggling to hug her little one again as soon as possible. Taken away from his mother by deception last August 30 by his American ex-partner during a vacation in Puglia, the child was presumably taken to the United States. The father, who at most allows his mother to see the newborn for a few moments on video call, is careful not to provide details to make it clear where he is. The mother of the little boy immediately filed a complaint and is being assisted by the lawyer Gian Ettore Gassani, president of the Ami (Associazione Avvocati Matrimonialisti Italiani) who is handling the case in all its international legal aspects, promptly activating all the procedures provided for by the Hague Convention of October 25, 1980 on the subject of international child abduction.
This morning the programme “Storie Italiane” on Rai 1 once again dealt with the case with the presence of mother Claudia, grandmother Luciana and theLawyer Gian Ettore Gassani who specified: «Whashington has started the search. In the United States, very often you change hotels or B&Bs without having to provide documents. So it is difficult for the police – in this case Interpol – to intercept him, we must hope they do it through cell phones and we do not know if he has one or two.
Our country has taken action. An official communication has arrived from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is taking an interest in the case.
It is also important to understand the political significance of this story, of an incident that could occur at a diplomatic level between Italy and the United States. The United States has ratified the Hague Convention, so they must return the child. Obviously, the United States judge has enormous, discretionary power to deny repatriation, perhaps through reasoning – which may not be shared – for example, that the father is considered the most suitable parent.
We have daily contact with the Ministry of Justice, it is the first authority that must transmit all useful information to the United States. We are transmitting the documents to the diplomatic authorities of the United States. Then the Farnesina intervenes. The problem is very delicate.
In the end there will be the judge of the United States, of the country where the child is. Because even though we could eventually obtain sole custody from the Italian judge, we must know that this is a provision that will have a very relative value. What matters is what – based on the International Convention of The Hague – the American judge decides.
We absolutely must resolve this issue through diplomacy.”
And then the lawyer addresses little Ethan’s father directly: «The father is probably listening to us, he knows everything we do and we try to understand what he is doing. Obviously if he came back his position would be much easier because there would be a sort of withdrawal from his behavior which is still very serious. However, in some way the lawyers can try to fix things. I think it would be the best thing. If he is listening to us I tell him: “Take my advice. Try to return to Italy as soon as possible. The complaint can be remitted, we can see about fixing things in civil court. The important thing is that the child is okay. Let’s try not to go too far because it is not certain that the American judge will help you. It could be that if he really applies the Hague Convention you will never see the child again, not even on a postcard. If you are a reasonable person, your lawyers who are defending you at this moment (because I certainly know that you have many lawyers behind you because this whole project was preordained) can give you the best advice not only for the legal issue but for a question of love that you must have for your son because if you love him you cannot tear him away from his mother at seven months. Listen to me.

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