Piano lessons, goodbye to Pete Smith. The Maori actor died at the age of 63 after a long illness – time.news

by time news
Simona Marchetti

The interpreter of “Once Were Warriors – Once Were Warriors” and “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” had long suffered from kidney failure and dementia and had been on dialysis for seven years. The son: “We are happy that he no longer has to suffer anymore”

Maori actor Pete Smith died at the age of 63 in the quiet of his home after a long and painful battle with kidney failure and dementia. To confirm the news of the death, which took place on Saturday 29 January, was one of the six children of the actor. «My father was ill for a long time – Poumau Papali’i-Smith told the website“ Stuff ”-. He had been on dialysis for the past seven years and it had been a tough test for him. Then two years ago he was also diagnosed with dementia and we started doing dialysis at home, but in the last few weeks he had an infection that he fought for a month ».

In the end, however, his physique, already severely weakened, could not take it anymore. “Saturday is missing and we are happy that he no longer has to suffer anymore”, concluded the son, further explaining that the disappearance of his father was a great loss for the local community “because he was a man of the people, who always put the other people before himself “.

After making his debut in the 1985 New Zealand film “The Silent Land”, Smith became famous thanks to films such as “Piano Lessons” from 1992 and “Once Were Warriors” the following year and also starred in ” The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King in 2003, where he played an ogre. In addition to six children, Smith also leaves behind his wife Mona Papali’i.

January 31, 2022 (change January 31, 2022 | 13:04)

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