Pico (real name Katsuaki Sugiura), the older brother of the entertainer twins “Osugi and Pico” and a successful fashion critic, died on September 3 of multiple organ failure caused by sepsis. 79 years old. Born in Yokohama. Close relatives attended the funeral.
After graduating from high school, he worked at a clothing manufacturer, then went to vocational school and became a clothing designer. In 1975, he started his talent career as “Osugi and Pico” with his younger brother, Osugi-san, who is a film critic.
He appeared on many different shows such as TV Wide Show and “Warate Iitomo!”. He was openly gay and was known for his distinctive feminine tone. “Fashion Check”, which advises on the clothes of celebrities and people on the street, is now a hot topic, and is popular for its tough but hot opinions.
In 1989, a type of skin cancer was discovered in his left eye, which was removed. His books include “What I Saw After Losing One Eye” and “Pico’s Diary.” He also worked as a chanson singer.
Osugi is currently receiving treatment at a facility.
From July to August 2007, Pico serialized the “My Town, My Friends” column in this newspaper.