Pierre Guillet, new president of Christian Entrepreneurs and Leaders

by time news

“Intelligent and tailor-made parking solutions”, “gas detection solutions for industry” : explaining the activity of Hesion is as difficult as the products of this company born in 2017 from two very different companies are diverse. To the point, moreover, that, to get out of technology, its CEO prefers to tell his activity by the ” senses “ what his job gives him.

“We create solutions ourselves, we manufacture them ourselves, we install them and we maintain them: we have a global vision and that is what gives meaning to our profession”explains Pierre Guillet, who became the new president of Christian Entrepreneurs and Leaders (EDC) on Friday evening March 18, who are meeting their national meetings in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) until Sunday.

“It’s a small structure but where we know how to get our brains buzzing: we’re constantly thinking to innovate”, continues the man who feels very concerned about his thirty employees spread over four sites in Île-de-France, Switzerland and Canada. Among them: a workshop in the Poissy prison where two prisoners work, whom he considers to be collaborators in their own right.

“An alignment of my life”

The project was also an opportunity to push further the question of his company’s social commitment through inclusion. “Realizing that we could act other than in a financial logic was a catalyst that united the company”entrusted in 2021 to The cross.

Very involved in the local economic fabric, as in community life or even in the Church (he was a scout group leader in his parish), this 55-year-old man only met the EDC seven years ago. , like many of the 3,300 members of a movement that has recruited a lot in recent years. “A friend invited me and I discovered a community of men and women, all at the helm of businesses, and who shared the same faith and concern for Christian social thought on a daily basis”he says.

Team leader in Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine) then president of the Île-de-France Ouest region, this father of four grown children experienced this commitment as “a coherence of (his) spiritual, family and professional life. In the movement, I find examples, testimonies, traininghe confides. This allows me to convert a little more each day. »

“We are on the way, so never arrived…”

This also reflects on the life of his business. “I feel both fraternity and loyalty because I believe that employees are supported by a company that has a vision, and a manager in tune with it”confides whoever wants “to listen” and “really meet each employee”.

“I try to take the time to deal with their difficulties, and above all to ensure that the company is not an aggravating factor in a situation that may already be complicated, that it is a place of peace, of humanity and fraternity to live better”he develops, while warning: “I’m not saying that I do everything well! We’re on the way, so we’ve never arrived… But I also believe that being an entrepreneur means always being a bit in danger and crisis, but also looking for new ideas to move forward. »

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