Pierre Jouvet in favor of a single candidacy from the left for the presidential election of 2027

by time news

One candidate to rule them all. One candidate to bring them all in and in the campaign bind them. Well, we adapted to our sauce the quote from Lord of the Ringsbut it is more or less the proposal of Pierre Jouvet, spokesperson for the PS, for the presidential election of 2027. “I hope that in 2027 the left will be united and united behind a single candidacy for the presidential election , because what I wish for my country, for the French women and men who need us, is that we win, ”explained on France Inter the elected representative of Drôme.

“We are in front of the last station before the desert, the next victory is undoubtedly the National Rally and Marine Le Pen if we do nothing”, he warned from Blois where the university is held. summer of the PS. “Our responsibility as women and men on the left is to build an alternative project, to build a common vision to finally be at the head of this country again and change people’s lives (…) and I will be a ardent defender of this vision and this line”, added the one who had participated in the spring in the founding negotiations of the Nupes.

Open door for a single European list

Regarding the possibility of an alliance of Nupes for the deadline closer to the European elections of 2024, proposed to its partners by LFI, “we do not refuse anything in principle, but an electoral agreement is first of all an in-depth discussion”, repeated Pierre Jouvet. “Everyone knows our differences and everyone knows that especially with rebellious France, but also with the Communist Party, we have fundamental differences on the European approach,” he recalled.

“If we discuss, and we have more than a year to do so, and we see that we have a shared project at European level (…), why not”, he conceded. “I believe that all of this deserves time, all of this deserves debate, today I don’t want to close this door, but we are not there yet and the Socialists will have a European project that they will support and that they will defend,” he added.

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