Pierre Moscovici criticized for having postponed the publication of a report from the Court of Auditors on immigration

by time news

2024-01-08 16:26:12

A report that raises questions. The publication of a report from the Court of Auditors relating to the “policy to combat illegal immigration”, initially scheduled for December 13, 2023, was postponed to January 4, two weeks after the final adoption of the immigration law, sparking a wave of reaction from oppositions. Its president, Pierre Moscovici, for his part, assumes this decision, so, he says, that the publication does not interfere with the vote of parliament on the “immigration” law.

Since January 6, several elected officials, mainly located on the right and the far right of the political spectrum, have accused him of having obstructed democratic debate, with some calling for the resignation of the president of the independent jurisdiction.

The report of the Court of Auditors relating to the “policy to combat illegal immigration” was initially scheduled for December 13, two days after the vote on a motion to reject the immigration bill by deputies and five days before the text passed to the joint committee, at the request of the government, with a view to reaching an agreement with the right.

It is in this particularly sensitive context, described as “political crisis” by the President of the Court of Auditors, that the date of publication of the report was postponed at his request. “Imagine such a report coming out at this time (…) ? What would we have said? (…) Some people further to the right or the extreme right would have said “what a scandal, nothing works, we have to be much tougher” and others would have said “but there it is, it doesn’t work, so we don’t need a law” »justified Pierre Moscovici at the microphone of LCIJanuary 5. “There would have been a deluge of reactions which would not have fueled the debate but the passions”he further advanced in the columns of Release.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “Immigration” law: associations determined before examination before the Constitutional Council

Call for resignation

Arguments which have not convinced several opposition political leaders. Mr. Moscovici’s decision “is a serious breach of our democracy and of the most basic constitutional obligations imposed on the Court of Auditors”was indignant Laurent Wauquiez, president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional council. In a message published on on January 7, the latter considered that Mr. Moscovici “must resign”.

Nadine Morano, MEP, member of the Les Républicains party, in the morning of CNewsa channel with ultraconservative ideas, talks about “state scandal” and believes that he “It’s normal that he leaves.”

A departure also demanded by Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, deputy and president of the sovereignist party Debout La France. “If he really took responsibility, he would resign! What a shame ! »does he have tweeted. Rachida Dati, minister of justice under Nicolas Sarkozy and today mayor of the 7th arrondissement of Paris, sees this on X “an undemocratic act [qui] translated [un] contempt for the people and elected officials.” It is “a shame for democracy and a very serious breach of national representation!” », added National Rally MP Hélène Laporte on the social network X. To the left, Thomas Portesdeputy of La France insoumise, estimated for his part that “French democracy deserves better than these shenanigans from another age”.

“In what democracy do we demand the resignation of the president of an independent jurisdiction which exercises its prerogatives, on the grounds that his decision is displeased? », reacted Mr. Moscovici in response to Mr. Wauquiez’s tweet. Questioned on Europe 1, the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, recalled that the Court of Auditors is a “independent and irremovable authority”.

In its report, the Court of Auditors considers that the government’s response to immigration is « ineffective » et “deficient” in view of the “significant resources allocated to it”, or 1.8 billion euros annually. The organization then encourages the government to “get better organized”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Court of Auditors scrutinizes policies to combat illegal immigration

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