Pierre Palmade: the dance floor rather than the visiting room

by time news

2023-06-29 19:30:00

BURLOT – While he was spared prison, thanks to the March 14 decision of the investigating chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal, on the grounds in particular that his state of health is “incompatible with life in detention”and that the judicial control under which he was placed stipulates that he is prohibited from consuming any addictive product whatsoever, Pierre Palmade was filmed last weekend… in the nightclub “Ultra Klubs “, in Bordeaux, last Saturday.

I let you see in what state, obviously not really fresh, in a place in which alcohol flows freely and “a lot of drugs circulate”, according to SharayaTV, the blogger behind the video.

Ah damn ! Have we been lied to? Let’s hope that the expert who was hastily dispatched to save him from an announced confinement had not just listened to Palmade’s sketch “Choices” : “What do you prefer ? Release a guy who is responsible for an accident that caused the death of a born-alive baby OR Risk his health by keeping him in prison?” A difficult choice, for sure, especially after the comedian’s trip to the Ultra Klubs last Saturday.

This therefore seems to outrage the columnist of the show Do not touch My TV !Christopher Nunès : “I smoke in the shower. We are in thoughts with the families of the victims who feel in their flesh this indignity with the spectacular greed. Justice !”

I understand his dismay, but still: a little restraint, what the hell! Indeed, first of all I have to say to this Mr. Nunès, that smoking seriously harms your health. Mr. Nunès, rather than rushing to castigate this poor Mr. Palmade, with his health problems, victim of his putative addiction, please first stop setting a bad example…

Smoking in the shower! And why not drive without a driver’s license either, as long as you’re at it? Or even argue that global warming is bullshit? Irresponsible! Or even point out the anti-Covid vaccine is the source of serious side effects? Or worse ! Affirm that Marine le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon are controlled opposition whose only role is to have Emmanuel Macron elected, repeatedly, in order to please his ultra-rich supporters?

Conspirator, go! So let Monsieur Palmade live his life. Is it because an expert affirms that his state of health is incompatible with day clubs, prisons, that he should be banned from nightclubs? Excuse me, but the visiting room is still more stressful than the dance floor! And then he has to rebuild himself, this poor man. Because, according to the media, he is the victim in this case …

Well yes! Palmade suffered from an outrageous media denigration unprecedented since Nordhal Lelandais. A lynching which consists in asserting that he is guilty “in disregard of both the secrecy of the investigation and the presumption of innocence“, confided to me a certain Éric Dupond-Moretti, who is amazingly knowledgeable in the matter: some are calling for his resignation because he is indicted for acts committed in the exercise of his duties as minister of Justice. What an injustice! To accuse a man of this kind for that… A straw!

No wonder at this point that our politicians are fleeing the company of a tough press and taking refuge in Pif or Playboy. No wonder a persecuted comedian wants to have a good time… So fragile, we find him these days as if abandoned on the sidewalk, obviously unable to find a car to take him to his destination. A bit like justice, which sometimes has trouble taking the right road.

#Pierre #Palmade #dance #floor #visiting #room

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