Pilber at the hearing on Case 4000: “There was no instruction in the operative dimension”

by time news

Netanyahu’s files: Another hearing in the 4000 case opened today (Monday) and will take place until 16:30, during which Shlomo Pilber continued to testify and be questioned by the plaintiff in the Judith Tirosh case. After that, the trial will take a two-and-a-half week break until the end of the week of Passover.


Pilber: “The Treasury informs me that it is going to make a decision that it is giving free access to anyone who wants it whenever he wants.”

Tiroche: “Did he actually want to determine the issue of disposition in the law?”.

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Pilber: “He wanted to give eager free access to ABC without them having to give anything for them.”

Tiroche: “And you objected?”.

Pilber: “With all my might.”

11:15: Pilber was questioned by Judith Tirosh for delaying mutual reform, as stated in the indictment and replied: “The idea was that each operator could use the infrastructure of the other operator. Here, only one company has infrastructure and therefore everyone uses its infrastructure. In practice, it was unilateral in one direction “I had a creative idea of ​​how to make it more reciprocal. It was clear to me that I would make that decision and implement it.”

11:00: Tirosh read excerpts from the indictment: “In order to do better with defendant Elowitz, against the background of the instruction he received from defendant Netanyahu, and after agreeing it with defendant Elowitz, Pilber also acted to delay the implementation of the ‘reciprocity reform’ intended to allow Bezeq and Hot to use “At a later stage, Pilber also worked to persuade Minister Tzachi Hanegbi, who was appointed Minister of Communications following restrictions imposed on defendant Netanyahu in this matter, to oppose a legislative initiative that promoted reciprocity reform.”

It was further stated: “In addition, in order to do better with defendant Elowitz, and against the background of defendant Netanyahu’s directive, Pilber delayed making a decision that could harm Bezeq regarding the use of its passive infrastructure by its competitors. But after coordination with the defendant Elovich and knowing that this would not lead to real resentment on his part. ”

10:30: At the outset, plaintiff Yehudit Tirosh said: “Confirm to me that in this conversation he is not asking you to stop or stop providing benefits.”

Pilbar replied, “He does not say.”

Netanyahu’s attorney, Adv. Ben Tzur, broke out in opposition: “There is an indictment and there is no benefit.”

Tirosh: “When the witness was asked if he did things that were good with Bezeq, he said yes and so I can put the question this way. We’ll get to that soon. ”

Pilbler: “There was no instruction in the operative dimension.”

Tirosh: “Netanyahu did not complain that the Ministry of Communications is doing good to Bezeq.”

Pilber: “He was bothered by the headline ‘Pilber and Netanyahu give to Elowitz’, I guess if the headline was ‘The Ministry of Communications gives to Bezeq’, it would not have bothered him.”

Shlomo Pilber testifies in the 4000 case. Roni Kanfo, Walla!

Next, Tirosh read excerpts from Pilber’s police investigation during 2018, during which he said: “There are the prices … check, there is the telephony, check. I mean Kahlon remains at the macro level. We did a wholesale market, at the micro level whose name is expressed in All the possibilities are to facilitate, change and improve. ”

Investigator: “With Bezeq?”.

Pilber added during his interrogation: “We had a code, for the prime minister and for me, for the Elovich case, who comes and says, ‘Continue the window,’ that’s all.

Researcher: “What is the meaning behind this thing?”.

Pilber: “It means that every time they tried to claim benefits.”

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