Pinchas Inbari: What Netanyahu succeeded with Likud members will not work with Smotrich and Ben Gvir

by time news

In the picture by the photographer Marie Hersh, the statues of Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus and Gnaius Pompeius Magnus are shown who established a political alliance, the first triumvirate of the Republic of Rome in 60 BC.

Julius Caesar was initially the junior partner in the triumvirate, when Crassus and Pompey (conqueror of Jerusalem three years earlier in 63 BC) had greater wealth and influence than himself in the Republic and worked to appoint him as consul to promote their affairs in the city.

In 49 BC, Julius Caesar seized power in Rome, declared himself a dictator for the rest of his life and actually put an end to the rule of the people in Rome and turned the Roman Republic into an evil and corrupt empire.

Julius, Crassus and Pompey established a political alliance, the first triumvirate in the Roman Republic in 60 BC. 11 years later, Julius Caesar seized power in Rome, declared himself a dictator for life and eliminated the rule of the people

Corruption is a great danger, really a malignant disease that can crush a society and a country. The Roman Empire collapsed due to the corruption of the powerful in the city who seized power from the people by force, turning the People’s Republic of Rome into an evil and corrupt empire and this is what led to the decline and disappearance of the mighty empire of the ancient world. Italy was conquered by its neighbors France and Spain, who conquered and enslaved the cities of Italy.

The Zionist movement was popular and worked for the common good

From its beginning, the Zionist movement advocated social and technological progress and equality. It was mostly secular, and the pioneers believed that they would establish a glorious state here with their own hands, by the sweat of their noses, defend themselves and no longer wait for miracles from gods, messiahs or rabbis.

The Zionist movement was originally a popular movement and its members worked for the common good, for the rise of the Jewish people in their country and not for their personal benefit. In other words, they weren’t corrupt and didn’t work for themselves and didn’t do to their house as leaders and rabbis do today.

Corruption can destroy a society and a country. The Roman Empire collapsed due to the corruption of the powerful in the city who seized power by force, turned the People’s Republic into an evil empire, and the mighty empire of the ancient world disappeared

Corruption becomes a governing tool of a government-above-the-law

The new triumvirate government of Benjamin Netanyahu, Aryeh Deri and rival Levin is now bending the rules. Even the improbable will be legal if the ground of improbability is eliminated as Levin requires.

The legal advisers will be appointed and act for their lords the ministers and not for the general public. The superseding clause will finally cancel the influence of the court and turn the triumvirate of Netanyahu, Deri and Levin into a government-above-the-law.

Corruption will be institutionalized and legal and not subject to legal review. She will be a governmental tool. Not only will the legal advisers serve their ministerial masters, the judges will also be appointed by the Triumvirate, and the law by which they will rule will be corrupted and castrated.

The rabbis, who since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 have seen the judges as their competitors who actually robbed them of their status and livelihood as the sole arbiters of the Halacha of the people of Israel for hundreds of years – are now stirring up the Knesset and its committees like in a Polish town in the last century.

Corruption will be institutionalized and legal and not subject to legal review. Not only the prosecutors will serve their lords the ministers, the judges will also be appointed by the Triumvirate, and the law by which they will judge will be corrupt and neutered

In fact, control of the Knesset has now fallen into the hands of the ultra-orthodox and nationalist rabbis. The road to a Halacha state under the control of the rabbis is open, when in Netanyahu’s new political triumvirate, Deri and Levin, Rabbi Deri is at the center and perhaps he is taking revenge on the Israeli judges for convicting him twice and sentencing him to 4 years in prison the first time in 1999.

Protection from the new triumvirate is required

We need protection because the ultra-orthodox rabbis take from the citizens who work and serve in the army. We need a good constitution that will also free the students of the ultra-Orthodox sages from their rich and pretending rabbis. First of all for the well-being of the sages’ students themselves, because they too should be protected by the Declaration of Independence which guarantees complete freedom and equality for all, and then also for the benefit of the economy and the security of the country, which will not be able to sustain them for a long time.

We need a good constitution that will protect all the citizens of the country from the new and corrupt triumvirate, a constitution that will be based on the principles of Zionism as stated in the Declaration of Independence:

The State of Israel will be open to Jewish immigration and kibbutzim; Focus on the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; It will be founded on the foundations of freedom, justice and peace in the light of the vision of the prophets of Israel; Maintain full social and political equality of rights for all its citizens without distinction of religion, race and gender; guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; Protect the holy places of all religions; And be faithful to the principles of the United Nations Charter.”

A good constitution is needed to prevent corruption of society and the state

The result of the public struggle over the laws planned by the new government should be a good constitution, which will enshrine in law the principles formulated in the Declaration of Independence. A constitution that will make it possible to prevent corruption of society and the state by maintaining the balance between the various branches of government, the government, the Knesset and the court. This is in stark contrast to the Triumvirate’s stealthy attempt.

The result of the public struggle over the laws planned by the new government should be a good constitution, which will enshrine in law the principles formulated in the Declaration of Independence and make it possible to prevent corruption of society and the state

Gil Lemon, the deputy legal advisor to the government, warned in a legal opinion that was discussed in the Constitution, Law and Law Committee of the Knesset, that if the new laws are passed – the government will be the law. He was bluntly reprimanded in front of the committee members and in front of the cameras by Justice Minister Yariv Levin.

Levin understands very well the meaning of the laws he is trying to quickly pass through an expedited legislative process in the Knesset and is only pretending that it will be a democracy and that it was the voter’s will.

No one knew that Netanyahu’s new triumvirate, Deri and Levin, was planning to create an apparently legal government-above-the-law but which is actually a dictatorship – about a week after their new government was sworn in.

The new triumvirate of Netanyahu, Deri and Levin does not have a mandate to do this and certainly not in the guise of an expedited legislative procedure as is happening now in the Knesset. We need protection from the new triumvirate, which may bring about the end of the rule of the people in the State of Israel. Just as happened to the Republic of Rome which became an evil and corrupt empire.

Great respect to the eleven judges of the Supreme Court

What is the additional meaning of the ruling of eleven High Court judges in the case of Rabbi Deri? The meaning of their sharp and clear ruling is that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s judgment is deeply disturbed and clouded by his trial and therefore he cannot serve as prime minister.

How can a prime minister take a person who is not fit to serve as a minister in Israel, a person who five judges determined in their verdict that he deceived the court on the eve of the last elections – and appoint him to the senior and unique position of acting prime minister and member of the political security cabinet?

The meaning of the sharp and clear ruling of 11 High Court judges is that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s judgment is profoundly disturbed and unclear due to his trial and therefore he cannot serve as prime minister

Netanyahu needs to draw the obligatory conclusion, take personal and ministerial responsibility and resign and thus also stop the destruction of the rule of law by the second deputy prime minister Minister Yariv Levin.

There are responsible adults in the State of Israel, led by eleven Supreme Court judges under the impressive leadership of President Esther Hayut. But we still need a good constitution that will preserve the principles of the Declaration of Independence and prevent corruption of society and the state.

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