Piqueteros prepare a conference to respond to Bullrich and announce that they will not leave the protest in the streets

by time news

2023-12-14 21:56:27

This Thursday morning, presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni surprised with a brief but forceful announcement: in the afternoon, details will be given about a new “public order protocol.” The details will be in charge of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, from 4:45 p.m. Severe penalties are expected to be reported for those who “disrupt free movement.”

In this regard, given Bullrich’s imminent announcements, the picketing organizations are preparing a press conference to respond to him. “Given the threats from the Milei Government regarding freedom of demonstration, the Partido Obrero and the Polo Obrero are calling a press conference today at Miter 2162.”

Read also: The Government announced that it will impose harsh sanctions on picketers who block the streets

As confirmed, Eduardo Belliboni and Gabriel Solano and Vanina Biasi among other leaders will be present. Likewise, they reported that they sent an “urgent” meeting request to the Secretary of Children and Family of the Ministry of Human Capital, Pablo De La Torre.

Piquetera Unit prepares an important march for next week. (Photo: Télam)

The objective is to “address social issues that have worsened in recent days with the skyrocketing prices of basic necessities,” while denouncing that “we have not received food in the soup kitchens committed by the previous management and that according to the Former Secretary Javier García had been part of the transition with his current management and that should have begun to be executed this week.

Read also: Milei labor reform: modification of compensation, reduction of taxes and simplification of procedures

In the message to De La Torre, the Piquetero Fighting Front points out that “we are concerned about the announcement that the job promotion programs would be frozen at their current amount, since in a few weeks they would be pulverized and leave more than a million people without a fundamental income for daily food.”

The request from the picketing organizations happens on the same day that Bullrich will announce new regulations for social protests. According to the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, the new protocol will include “severe sanctions for all those involved in preventing the movement of Argentines, which affects those who cut, those who transport, those who organize and those who finance.”

Eduardo Belliboni, leader of the Polo Obrero, is one of the most critical voices of the government. (Photo: Polo Obrero).

For its part, the State Workers Association (ATE) announced in a statement that it will not accept any conditions on the constitutional exercise of mobilization and protest. “Union and social conflicts do not have to be resolved by the Police or the Justice Department. They must be resolved by those who govern, since that is what they are elected for,” said Rodolfo Aguiar and detailed: “This measure is aimed at attacking the consequences and not the causes of the protests. If they don’t want conflicts, let them stop with the adjustment and increase salaries.”

It is not the first time that Bullrich announces a measure of this type. During his administration in the government of Mauricio Macri, he launched an “anti-picketing” protocol in February 2016 to avoid traffic cuts on public roads. At that time, those who protested would have “5 or 10 minutes” to vacate the roads, highways or routes they cut before being evicted and even arrested.

This afternoon’s announcement comes after the national leadership of the organizations grouped in the Piquetera Unit confirmed that next Wednesday they will carry out an “active strike” in Plaza de Mayo, in response to the announcements of the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo. The protest will take place on the same date that marks the 22nd anniversary of December 19 and 20, 2001, where the government of Fernando de la Rúa repressed a social protest, which culminated in 38 deaths and the resignation of the former president.

This week was the first demonstration against the Milei government, with marches on the sidewalk of the Ministry of Labor and escorted by the police. The march was by the Independent Movement of Retired and Unemployed People (MIJD), led by Raúl Castells, in a protest without a traffic cut, from the sidewalk of Leandro N. Alem Avenue at 600 and in the midst of a strong police presence.

#Piqueteros #prepare #conference #respond #Bullrich #announce #leave #protest #streets

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