Piscine Le Naiadi, the agreement is over: now the new managers are ready to leave – Pescara

by time news

PESCARA. Point and head. The immediate future of the Naiads is back in discussion, given in management just ten days ago to the Roman consortium composed of Fabio Conti, Roberto Cipolletti e Flavio Giustolisi. From what we learn, the new managers are considering the possibility of taking a step back, after just a week of work and reconnaissance carried out within the structure.
The conditions of the plant, the operating costs, the difficulty of producing revenues (also exacerbated by the quota of inputs produced by Covid), the single year of management and the regional contributions evidently deemed not sufficient to offer the necessary guarantees, would be the points around which the reasoning of the Roman consortium was articulated, explained yesterday afternoon during a meeting with the Region. Which, according to the well-informed, would not be willing to review the terms that last June 23 had led to temporary custody, also blocked by the constraints imposed by the law.
A new meeting between the parties is scheduled for next week, but if the situation remains the same as it is at present, it seems difficult to hypothesize a continuation of the relationship. In confirmation of the bad feelings there is also the silence of the manager, who, when contacted, preferred not to comment, limiting himself to a laconic “ask the Region”. To tell the truth during this week something had moved: thanks also to the work of some of the workers, the Olympic swimming pool was emptied, the poolside cleaned and the maintenance of the greenery began. Then something got jammed: the managers stopped operations, apparently due to a problem related to the lack of electricity, still disconnected, but yesterday’s meeting hinted at something else.
To manage Le Naiadi, an annual expenditure of about 1.3 million euros is required: at this moment, with the restrictions in place, already reaching 800 thousand euros in receipts is difficult. Reason that, counting in hand, risks making every speech uneconomic. It was also decided to entrust the management of the Palapallanuoto only to the sports associations that traditionally use it, so as to contain costs, but even this hypothesis immediately disappeared. Neither confirmations nor denials arrive from the Region: we try to do everything possible to save this management, found after long days of work. Everyone hoped to have solved the problem, but reality says something else. However, if an agreement with the current manager is not reached, there are two ways: either to try again with the Municipality of Pescara, trying to overcome the obstacle of the 12 months of assignment, or to give life to a new call for tenders. an urgent tender, again for one year, to be closed by the end of July. In this case, even the companies that had expressed an interest, such as Pretuziana, could get back on track and respond to the notice.

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