Pizza should have “sizes”, like clothes –

by time news

2023-06-18 09:06:05

Of Eliana Liotta

The Smart Tips column by Eliana Liotta| The «Large» size is the whole flat pizza, but it is almost three times the standard portion for bread and pasta. It is only suitable for athletes and teenagers

Pizza should come in sizes, like clothes. It has been a World Heritage Site since 2017, it is a magnificent social invention, the only cheap and tasty preparation capable of bringing people of all ages together in one place. However, it must be said that the standard portion it can turn out too big.

The standard amount

The base of a frozen pizza or one served in a pizzeria usually weighs around 300 grams. That is, we are talking about three times and pass the amount of spaghetti or bread (about 80 grams) recommended by the Italian nutritional guidelines for a two thousand calorie diet, i.e. suitable for a healthy woman who does moderate physical activity and a sedentary man.

Size «L» or «S»: for whom?

The “Large” size of dinners out is a fit for teenagers and sportsmen: a Margherita brings about 815 calorie, which rise in the Diavola or in the Capricciosa. Solutions for those who want one «Small» they are sharing with a diner, taking home an uneaten piece or asking for a smaller version where possible, a baby pizza for adults. Another idea is to enjoy the “L” but stroll after the pizzeria and promise yourself to exercise the next day and not to overdo it at the table.

The “weight” on the balance

However, no one should be alarmed if he sees the next day on the scale up to one kilo more: it is a transitory situation and is due to the water retention linked to the sodium surplus. Usually an “L” pizza has 6-7 grams of salt, which by the way is more than the ceiling that the World Health Organization recommends not to exceed per day (5 grams).

Greens lessen the impact

Tip for everyone: order a salad, a side of spinach or take a pizza directly with mushrooms or vegetables on top. It’s a trick for reduce the glycemic impact of refined flour, which is usually served at the tables. Vegetable fibers are able to slow down the absorption of sugars during digestion. For the same reason, the pizza with wholemeal flour it would be better.

* The review is by nutritionist Lucilla Titta, coordinator of the Smartfood program at the IEO-European Institute of Oncology.

June 18, 2023 (change June 18, 2023 | 09:05)

#Pizza #sizes #clothes

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