PJ trains lawyers for oral trials

by times news cr

He Judiciary of Mexico City (PJCDMX) begins this Monday the workshops of Simulation of Hearings on Family Matters and of Simulation of Hearings in Civil Mattersso that lawyers in law who have accredited previous diplomas obtain proof of their abilities and skills.

Within the framework of training by the capital’s judicial body, chaired by Rafael Guerrathe implementation of the National Code of Civil and Family Procedures is carried out (CNPCyF), the objective of the workshops is for the applicant graduates to simulate being the legal representation of the parties (actor and defendant) within a hearing in a hypothetical case of oral proceedings.

To obtain proof of skills and abilities, necessary to litigate in the new model of civil and family justice, the lawyers enrolled in the workshops, which last 45 hours, must have at least 80 percent attendance and have obtained qualification minimum of eight.

The evaluation of the participants of each workshop will be carried out by the members of a synod approved by the Commission for the Implementation of Civil-Commercial Orality and Domain Extinction, in coordination with the IEJ, whose decision on the achievement and aptitude of each student is final.

The workshops will be held at its headquarters, located in Kids Heroes 150Doctores neighborhood, Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office, and will be in charge of magistrates and judges.

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