2024-07-10 20:29:18
It is considered a plague of the Middle Ages, but it still occurs today. Now the USA has also reported a case of bubonic plague.
The US state of Colorado reports a case of plague. The disease, also known as the “Black Death,” claimed the lives of an estimated 50 million people in the Middle Ages. It remains unclear how the person became infected. It is suspected that they were infected by bites from infected fleas.
Video | Medieval plague returns: This is what makes it dangerous
Quelle: Glomex
However, the possible source of infection is being investigated first, as “CNN” reports. However, transmission by rodents is suspected. The health authority in Pueblo County in Colorado published the following warnings and rules of conduct, among others:
The plague bacteria (Yersinia pestis) is transmitted by fleas and spreads naturally among wild rodents, the press release continues. Pets can also become infected.
The Robert Koch Institute explains: “The most common route of transmission occurs when people are bitten by a flea infected with plague. Transmission can also occur through contact with infected animal tissue from an animal suffering from plague or that has died.”
Bubonic plague is considered one of the deadliest bacterial infections in human history. Typical symptoms are swollen lymph nodes (buboes), especially in the groin area. The armpits and neck can also be affected. In addition, fever, headaches and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and enlarged liver and spleen occur, according to the RKI. The disease can now be successfully treated with antibiotics. However, it is important to use the drugs as soon as possible after the infection, otherwise the infection can lead to serious complications and even death.
Outbreaks of the disease occur again and again, most recently in Congo, Madagascar and Peru.