Planned Car-Free Day in Northern Valle de Aburrá Canceled to Prevent Traffic Chaos in Medellín

by time news

Everything was ready for this Thursday, September 26, for the municipalities of Barbosa, Bello, Copacabana, and Girardota to experience a car and motorcycle-free day on the streets. This day usually generates as much expectation as debate, because, on one hand, it promotes the use of public transportation and reduces pollution, but on the other hand, it poses a logistical challenge for those who depend on private vehicles.

The municipal administrations in the northern Valley of Aburrá had been working to carry out this initiative as part of Sustainable Mobility Week. During the hours between 5:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., private cars and motorcycles would not be allowed to circulate on the roads of these municipalities.

The intention was to reduce the number of vehicles on the streets and, in turn, offer a breather to the environment. However, as the date approached, a problem arose that the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Aburrá requested to consider: the impact it would have on the municipalities in the southern Valley of Aburrá, such as Medellín, where traffic could collapse.

For this reason, the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Aburrá requested to reconsider the measure, and the mayors of Barbosa, Bello, Copacabana, and Girardota decided to follow the recommendation. Although decrees had already been issued to regulate the day, the cancellation was made official to prevent congestion from spilling over into the southern area of the subregion.

Additionally, the measure included penalties for non-compliance in a C14 sanction, which equated to a fine equivalent to 15 current daily minimum wages and immobilization of the vehicle.

The municipal administrations are calling on citizens to encourage the use of public transportation and to use other means of sustainable and clean mobility such as bicycles or electric scooters.

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