Planning to fly? Announcement from the National Security Headquarters: Travel warnings for the spring holidays of 2022

by time news

The Division for the War on Terror at the National Security Headquarters (National Security Council) publishes today (Thursday, April 7, 2002) the assessment of the situation and the status of travel warnings for the spring holidays of 2022. The current situation for the public is indicated by the severity of the travel warning in each country / region, as well as the recommendation of the Anti-Terrorism Division in relation to each warning. Out of 198 countries, there are currently 48 travel warnings at various levels. Including having additional citizenship (Iran, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia).

Key highlights for the situation:

In the last year and a half, Iran and its affiliates have increased their activities abroad In this context, Iranian elements repeatedly threaten to harm Israeli targets, and reflect increasing motivation on the part of Iran to harm Israelis and Jews around the world. During 2021, a number of Iranian intentions to assassinate Israelis in Colombia, Cyprus and Turkey were thwarted.

It is estimated that in the near future Iran will continue to work to promote harm to Israeli targets around the world.. Areas with a higher probability of such activity are countries close to Iran, as well as enemy countries / those with which Israel has no official relations.

In recent months, we have witnessed increasing attempts by Iranian elements to make contact (under cover) with Israeli elements in favor of taking them out of Israel and then harming them. Conducting the guidelines outlined in the travel warnings may reduce the chances of success in realizing these intentions.

Global Jihad Organizations and Radical IslamEmphasizing the Islamic State (IS) and its supporters continue to be motivated to carry out terrorist attacks, including against Jewish and Israeli targets, in various countries around the world; , In the Middle East (with an emphasis on North Sinai) and in Asia.

Please note: The travel warning rank has been updated and changed, with the approval of the Political-Security Cabinet, and is now presented by 4 new levels.:

Level 1: This means that this is a country without an unusual warning and it is recommended to take the usual precautions – For more details click here

Level 2: Occasional threat, it is recommended to take increased precautions For more details click here

Level 3: Medium threat, it is recommended to avoid non-essential travel, such as leisure, vacation, work needs that do not require a frontal meeting and the like.

Level 4: High threat, it is recommended to avoid coming to the country.

Another change made concerns the match between the warning level and its numerical representation, so that now: low number = low threat level, high number = high threat level.

therefore, The lowest threat level = 1, and the highest threat level = 4.

We reiterate our call to the public planning to visit abroad to get help with the information and check the status of the travel warning to selected destinations, before purchasing the tickets.

Those leaving for Sinai are asked to sharpen their vigilance and be attentive to the guidelines of the National Security Headquarters regarding the recommended precautions as detailed on the website.

It will be recalled that the National Security Council reflects the warnings of the trip in terrorist contexts only. Additional issues (including consular issues, warnings of Israelis about war zones, political instability, crime and consular issues) are addressed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, .

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