Plastics in soil threaten food security, says FAO

by time news

Plastic pollution does not just end up in waterways and oceans, but also in soils. According to a new report released Tuesday by the United Nations agricultural agency, plastics are now ubiquitous in agricultural soils, posing a threat to food security, human health and the environment according to the agency. in a general way.

More microplastics in agricultural soils than in the sea

While the effects of large plastic objects on marine life have been well documented, the presence of these particles in agricultural land is less known and yet more important. Indeed, our agricultural lands contain even more microplastics than the oceans, as detailed by FAO Deputy Director General Maria Helena Semedo in the foreword to the report. Their harmful effect is mainly due to the consequences of their disintegration in the soil.

Plastics used for agriculture end up in the land

Of the approximately 6.3 billion tonnes of plastic produced before 2015, nearly 80% was never properly disposed of. In addition, huge quantities of plastic products, which end up escaping into the environment, are used in agriculture (plastic to cover the ground to reduce weeds; nets to protect and stimulate the growth of plants, extending growing seasons and increasing yields; and tree guards, which protect seedlings and young trees from animals and help provide a microclimate conducive to growth).

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