Platini, Aulas, Keller, Diallo… If Le Graët resigns, who will succeed him at the FFF?

by time news

DECRYPTION – Several profiles emerge if there were to be early elections at the head of the French Football Federation to take over from Noël Le Graët.

Jean-Michel Aulas, the ideal profile

The president of Olympique Lyonnais is currently working on his succession at the head of the club and the arrival of new American owner John Textor in 2022 has only reinforced this mission. Close to Noël Le Graët, he is part of the Executive Committee of the current presidency. If he has never publicly displayed his desire to run for the post of Breton, behind the scenes, Aulas (73) would not be against a last prestigious challenge. Its network in France is sprawling and its links with certain League and District presidents (who make up 63% of voters) are strong. His relations with the professional world of French football (37% of voters) are also in good shape. He has the suitable profile of the successor.

Jean Michel Aulas Panoramic

Michel Platini, the government map

He is the joker that the government would like to release in the event of an early election. Emmanuel Macron appreciates the profile of Michel Platini even if the latter’s name has been associated with corruption cases linked to the awarding of the World Cup to Qatar in the last decade. Suspected of fraud, he recently won his case and was acquitted after six years of proceedings last July in the Fifa trial (the Swiss prosecution appealed). According to RMC, Platini must also meet the Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castera, on February 10. But the government, if it can give its support, does not have the means to place the former number 10 at the head of the “3F”. Only the ballot boxes will speak. Platini keeps a word heard in the landscape of French football. Listened to but also contested because “Platoche” (67), who hesitates to plunge back into the institutional world after his legal troubles, remains a divisive personality. Not sure that he is unanimous within professional and amateur football, even if he has strong media support and influential former players. He has often presented himself as the defender of the “little ones”, especially during his time at the head of UEFA (2007-2015) and this can play in his favor in a field campaign.

Michael Platini. Panoramic

Philippe Diallo, the man of the files and mysteries of the FFF

According to France Info, the current member of the Executive Committee of the FFF is one of the leaders wishing to convene an extraordinary Comex to push Noël Le Graët to resign. To play his personal card? It is possible. If Jean-Michel Aulas does not declare himself a candidate, he could seize his chance. File man, as meticulous as he is discreet, this specialist in public law and business law knows the workings and mysteries of the FFF like the back of his hand. But his proximity to Florence Hardouin, general manager of the FFF at war with Graët, could harm him. Is this graduate of Sciences Po Paris a man of the field appreciated in the provinces by amateur football, who has always liked the simple approach of Guingampais Le Graët? Not sure. His technocratic Parisian profile can be a pebble in his shoe in the countryside.

Philippe Diallo. Panoramic

Keller, the young heir of Le Graët

Noël Le Graët has never hidden it, he would like to see the current president of Strasbourg succeed him. Discreet character, man of the reconstruction of the Strasbourg club which he took over in 2012 in total decline, Keller (57 years old, 6 caps) is a builder who knows how to work with the local economic fabric in the provinces. The spectacular recovery of the RCS thanks to the implementation of a bold policy and original methods is hailed by all of French football. But his close proximity to Le Graët is not necessarily an asset these days… The former striker is part of the Executive Committee and was rather waiting for future elections in 2024 to get started. The worrying situation of Strasbourg currently in a bad patch (19e de Ligue 1), club to which he is viscerally attached, does not necessarily plead in favor of a possible early candidacy.

Mark Keller Panoramic

Surprise applications?

Former players of the France team could also play their card. Not necessarily to finish as a candidate but to at least shake up the lines by supporting each other thanks to their media aura. We think in particular of Luis Fernandez (close to Zidane and ready to bring down Le Graët after his controversial remarks), consultant on beIN SPORTS who had defended the candidacy of Frédéric Thiriez (25.11% of the vote during the last election), Emmanuel Petit who had considered in 2016 to run for the presidency, or even Basile Boli in 2020, who had judged in 2020 amateur football “adrift”, eaten away in particular by racism.

Luis Fernandez Panoramic

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