Playing online gambling results in a 3-month prison sentence under ban.

by time news

The Tamil Nadu Government has implemented the ‘Online’ Gambling Prohibition Act, which has been published in the Tamil Nadu Gazette. The act prohibits all online games that offer rewards or money. Anyone found guilty of violating this will be liable to a jail term of up to three months or a fine of Rs. 5,000 or both. The act also prohibits the advertisement of such online games, and those found guilty will be punished with imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of Rs. 5 lakhs, or both. Providers of online games will face a jail term of up to three years or a fine of Rs.10 lakhs, or both, if caught offering gambling or rewards.

If the offense is repeated, companies may face a jail term of up to five years or a fine of up to Rs. 20 lakhs. To regulate this, the Tamil Nadu Online Sports Authority will be established under a retired Chief Secretary’s leadership. This authority will have members such as a retired IG, a police officer of similar rank, an IT specialist, a mental health consultant, and a person with digital gaming expertise.

Chennai: The ‘Online’ Gambling Prohibition Act enacted by the Tamil Nadu Government was published in the Tamil Nadu Gazette and came into force. Henceforth, anyone who plays online gambling will be jailed for a maximum of three months.

According to this Act, online gambling games, all online games where there is a chance of winning money or other rewards, are prohibited. Any person who violates this shall be liable to imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or a fine of Rs 5,000 or both

Advertisement of prohibited online gambling and games shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with a fine of Rs.5 lakhs or with both.

Providers of all online games, where gambling or the possibility of winning cash and prizes, shall be liable to imprisonment for a maximum period of three years or a fine of Rs.10 lakhs or both.

If convicted once and commits the same offense again, the company will be liable to imprisonment for a maximum period of five years and fine up to Rs.20 lakhs for the second time.

To implement this, a Tamil Nadu Online Sports Authority should be set up under the leadership of a retired chief secretary

According to the law, members should include a retired IG, a police officer of not less rank, an IT specialist, a mental health consultant, and a person with expertise in online gaming platforms.

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