plenary session advanced with the debate on changes to the Law

by time news

2023-10-05 18:14:00

It took place within the framework of the plenary session of the General Legislation and Budget and Finance commissions, chaired by the Frente de Todos deputies Lucas Godoy and Carlos Heller, respectively. The majority opinion obtained 41 signatures and the minority 37.

When confirming that they will insist on the original sanction of the Chamber of Deputies, from the PRO, Pablo Tonelli stated that what was endorsed by the Senate “is already proven to have not given good results.” In this regard, he clarified the main objectives of the standard that will accompany them again. “The minimum period is two years, that the adjustments can be made after four months, with the frequency agreed upon by the parties, and that they have the freedom to choose between several of the indices or formulas that we have proposed in that law,” he detailed.

Itaí Hagman (FdT) asserted that “the discussion of two versus three years is the only actor interested in the contracts being shorter are the real estate companies, they are not the owners and much less the tenants.” Regarding the Senate rule, he stressed that “it is an superior solution,” which he assured seeks to “improve the current indexation mechanism by doing so for the lowest value between inflation and salary, being much more reasonable.”

From the same block, Eduardo Tonioli maintained that “what the Senate did was restore a minimum degree of rationality to this discussion, trying to respond to the tenants.”

Meanwhile, Karina Banfi (UCR) stressed that “this is a populist measure,” where, as she considered, “neither of the two parties involved agree with this law.” “They are electoral measures to divide the opposition,” she lashed out, while emphasizing that “the problem is in the supply.” “This is mainly due to state interventionism,” she added. And she, she concluded by emphasizing that “we defend the people, the workers and the honest.”

Finally, Federico Fagioli (FdT) criticized the project that was approved in Deputies. “This project, which aims for the parties to agree, actually enriches a sector, it seeks to benefit the owners, the real estate companies, the sectors that have concentrated the economy in Argentina.”

The project approved by the Senate establishes that the contracts, which must be paid in national currency, will be a three-year minimum legal lease term with semiannual adjustments instead of annually. In addition, the Casa Propia index will be applied, which considers the lowest index between the salary variation and inflation of the last year. And there will be tax incentives for owners who rent their homes.

It should be remembered that the rule approved by the Chamber of Deputies proposed that the rental period be two years, with updates every four months and freedom to define the index between the parties.

#plenary #session #advanced #debate #Law

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