Pneumonia: what foods are good to prevent it?

by time news

2023-12-21 22:56:33

Although in cold weather the diseases that attack the respiratory system increase. It doesn’t mean you can’t perform when it’s hot. Therefore it is important, What foods are good to prevent pneumonia?

The Pneumonia can be caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi that invade lung tissue. This can occur through aspiration of microorganisms from the upper respiratory tract, blood circulation from other parts of the body or by direct inhalation of air, describes the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute. Some of the most common pathogens include:


Streptococcus pneumoniaeLegionella pneumophilaMycoplasma pneumoniaeChlamydia pneumoniaeHaemophilus influenzae


Sincitial respiratorioInfluenzaSARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)


PneumocystisCoccidioidomicosisCryptococcusHistoplasmosisFoto iStock

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What makes you more vulnerable to pneumonia?

Anyone can get pneumonia, but some risk factors include age (younger than 2 years and older than 65), exposure to toxic chemicals or fumes, smoking, alcoholism, malnutrition, chronic illnesses, a weakened immune system and having recently gotten sick with the flu.

Symptoms and diagnosis of pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia vary and may include: fever, malaise, muscle and joint pain, tiredness, headache, dry cough, and mild digestive symptoms. Diagnosis is based on medical history, physical examination, chest x-rays, blood tests, and cultures of phlegm or blood. Chest CT may be necessary in complex cases.

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6 foods that help prevent pneumonia

Prevention focuses on systematic vaccination against pathogens such as Hib, pneumococcus, influenza, measles, COVID-19 and whooping cough. In addition, a proper diet can strengthen the immune system and prevent respiratory infections. Here are six foods that can help:

1. Vitamin C

How it works: Strengthens the immune system.
Consumption: Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and kiwis.

2. Vitamin D

How it works: Improves immune function.
Consumption: Exposure to the sun and foods such as fatty fish and egg yolk.

3. Zinc

How it works: Helps in the production of antibodies.
Consumption: Lean meat, nuts and legumes.

4. Probiotics

How they work: They promote a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria, which is related to a strong immune system.
Consumption: Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and other fermented foods.

5. Antioxidants

How they work: They protect against cellular damage.
Consumption: Brightly colored fruits and vegetables, such as berries, spinach, and carrots.

6. She

How it works: It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Consumption: Add to meals or eat it raw.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment depends on the type of causative germ. Antibiotics are effective against bacterial pneumonia, while viral and fungal pneumonia require specific medications. Medical attention is crucial for symptoms such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and general malaise. In severe cases, hospitalization is necessary.

A balanced diet and vaccination can be effective measures to prevent pneumonia and maintain a healthy immune system.

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