Podemos does not give in and consummates its official rejection of Yolanda Díaz

by time news

The agreement, to this day, is impossible and there is not an iota of intention to change the roadmap in the purple direction in the short term. The intermediate photos, between now and after the summer, will be the ones that determine the future of the leftif it is for unity -aligning itself with the rest of the parties to the left of the PSOE- or for the rupture, in line with the approach of the Praetorian Guard of Pablo Iglesias, which will not give in unless the formation obtains an outstanding representation at the confluence of Yolanda Díaz.

We can consummate today what will be his official “no” to the Galician vice president. The party will remain entrenched in its roadmap aimed at agreeing to a prior agreement with the vice president, while the rest of the parties – more than a dozen – call on the purples to rectify, support Díaz today in his impeachment long, in which he will confirm that he will present himself as a candidate for the presidency of the Government in the next elections, and it will be later when all the parties address the “one-on-one” negotiation for the electoral lists and the power of each organization. This was claimed yesterday by the leader of the IU, Alberto Garzón, who made an “appeal” to Podemos to come to today’s unit photo. A note of attention that is added to the one that other spokespersons have already made, such as by Más País, Íñigo Errejón, who asked this week to attend the Díaz act without “signing papers.” Or that of the leader of Compromís, Joan Baldoví, who called for a “you to you” negotiation, but “whenever it’s time.”

Yesterday, the general secretary of Podemos paved the way for the rupture that will take place today. She did so before her State Citizen Council – the party’s highest decision-making body – with a speech in which she blamed the vice president for Podemos not supporting her today. “Yolanda has it in her hand that tomorrow (for today) Podemos is at the presentation of her candidacy, so long awaited,” she justified herself. She repeated the same requirement that the purples have been imposing all week: “It is enough that this afternoon (yesterday) Podemos and Sumar sign a declaration with the commitment to hold primaries open to all citizens”. A direct message and that, despite the division that exists in Podemos – two regional directions will surround Díaz: Galicia and Navarra – about his response regarding Sumar, ended up being approved. Before the meeting, the leadership decided to offer statements to the media, using regional secretaries allied with their positions and who, furthermore, are co-spokespersons for the party. For Castilla y León, Pablo Fernández; for Murcia, Javier Sánchez Serna, and María Teresa Pérez, Podemos candidate in Valencia. Without a trace of leaders who have shown their support for Sumar, such as the one from Extremadura, Irene de Miguel.

According to sources present at the meeting, an “intense debate” took place. Proof of this is that it was a long committee, lasting four hours, in which leaders were interested in the future of the negotiations with Sumar and its real incidence in the face of the regional elections. In other words, the cost of not supporting Díaz one month after 28-M. Today’s photo of other candidates with the vice president will be the start for the regional elections, where those who support the most valued leader in politics will start with an advantage. Key candidates on the left, such as Mónica García, from Más Madrid, will have her image of unity, while, for example, her competitor in Podemos, Alejandra Jacinto, will comply with the party’s guideline. «Everything that is to be together with Yolanda, adds», sums up a source that will attend the event today. Even so, according to the sources consulted, the rest of the regional directorates ended up closing ranks with those of Ione Belarra. “We have made it clear that we have a political project,” explains another source present at the meeting.

During the week, the Podemos and Sumar teams have exchanged proposals. The purples demand a written commitment to hold open primaries with Sumar so that all citizens can participate. For the party, it is the best way to measure society’s support for each organization, understanding that the rest of the parties are declaring the purple project finished. In the vice president’s project they confirm that there will be “multilateral” primaries with the rest of the potential allies. A proposal that does not convince the purple ones, since only open primaries will guarantee them –as it is the party with the largest number of militants– a high percentage on lists.

Given the refusal of Podemos to go to the event without conditions, the purples also defended themselves. «It is legitimate that there are some people, even in our space, who think that Podemos have to play a secondary role. I think not, that it is essential to revalidate the Government and continue promoting the pending transformations. The only way to resolve this debate democratically is with open primaries, Belarra settled. A notice also addressed to Podemos leaders themselves who have already confirmed that they will challenge the party’s veto for their supporters to attend the event. To the directions of Navarra and Galicia are added the Balearic vice president and judge, Juan Pedro Yllanes, or the head of the poster in Asturias, Covadonga Tome. Among the deputies who will attend are the Galician Antón Gómez-Reino or Txema Guijarro and Gloria Elizo, among others. By the confluence, by Alianza Verde, Juantxo López Uralde; for the common members, Jaume Asens and Aína Vidal; for IU, Alberto Garzón, and for the PCE, Enrique Santiago. The purple MEPs, four out of five, support Díaz. The fracture in United We Can is evident.

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