The Panhellenic Federation of Restaurants and Related Professions (POESE) asked Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to meet in order to discuss the “problem that has been created in catering, both by the increase in VAT on coffee and by the increases in electricity”.

In its relevant announcement, POESE states that “we know very well that we Greeks now drink the most expensive coffee in Europe. Not proportionally, but in real, true and absolute numbers. Why? Because according to studies, more than a third of the price of coffee served in Greece today is taxes, deductions and contributions.”

And he adds: “As if the Special Coffee Tax, which is the world’s first to be subject to VAT, was not enough, as if the bleeding of the municipalities, and taxes in favor of third parties were not enough, as if inflation and the soaring energy costs and raw materials, the government has just “treated” us, and the “cherry” of the VAT: From July 1, against all her promises and beliefs, she increased it to 24%!

It was only natural that the focus, with such compressed profits, would no longer be able to absorb him.”

“The focus is puzzling and begs for explanation”

“The measure will yield less than 42 million, which, in front of the 5.6 billion primary surplus, the first seven months of 2024, is a crumb. An incomprehensible decision, which takes away the “breath” of the Greek, will literally close businesses, while doing damage, even to the competitiveness of our tourism. The only thing she achieves with her aim is to raise questions about her true motives…

The focus is puzzling and begs for explanation. It requires a meeting with the prime minister”, concludes POESE in its announcement.

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