by time news

2023-06-07 12:10:34


Territori – International Festival of Performance Art of Ibiza programs a performance workshop for artists. This fourth edition is entitled “Poetics of the subsoil” and will be taught by Marina Barsy Janer x Isil Sol Vil. It will take place from September 18 to 23 at the Espai Cultural Can Ventosa (Ibiza) and will end with an exhibition within the framework of the festival.

This workshop proposes a theoretical-practical immersion in performance or action art based on the poetic philosophy of subversive love and extreme care. We will work from the individual to the communal through listening, deepening sensitivity, intuition and mutual recognition as part of a heterogeneous community.

Marina Barsy Janner (Puerto Rico) is an artist, educator, and independent curator. She is a PhD in Art History and Theory from the University of Essex and has a master’s degree in curating Latin American art. Her artistic work has been presented at various festivals, museums and universities in Abya Yala and Europe.

Isil Sol Vil (Catalonia) is an artist, curator, researcher and educator of performance. He directs the international performance festival Empremta and is curator of Caribe Mar de Islas and ARTefACTe3. Together they run materic.org, a nomadic space for creation and radical pedagogy.

Their individual practices converge when understanding art as a transgressive act from the intermingling of bodies, psyches, sensorialities and extreme affectivities.

This activity is included in the Territori training area, a fundamental part with the aim of generating a meeting space between artists in training and festival artists. It is aimed at artists from all artistic disciplines who wish to train, create, act, share and exchange in a creative and exploratory environment. On the last day there will be a sample of “work in progress”, in a live exhibition format within the festival program.

Interested people must send a motivation letter with the trajectory and motivation to [email protected] before June 25, 2023 to register with a special price. There are discount options for Balearic creators and scholarship options with free accommodation for national, international and Balearic artists.

Territori, International Festival of Performance Art of Ibiza will celebrate its fourth edition from September 15 to 24, 2023.

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