‘Pointing people to the range of exercise reduces pressure on diabetes care’

by time news

1.2 million Dutch people have diabetes, 90 percent of whom have type 2 diabetes. An alarming and growing number that puts great pressure on healthcare. You can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by exercising regularly. This also ensures better glucose management in people who already have diabetes. Yet too little attention is paid to lifestyle, says Professor of Diabetology Hanno Pijl. This is reported by ANP Expert Support.

Despite the fact that exercise is important in preventing diabetes and limiting the burden of disease and complications, only one in three people with diabetes meets the exercise guidelines. That is the weekly amount of exercise whereby the risk of type 2 diabetes and other chronic conditions is tens of percent lower than with insufficient exercise.

Many people with type 2 diabetes need help to move more, they lack self-confidence or skills to get started themselves. The healthcare provider is the appropriate professional to help these patients on their way. That doesn’t have to take much time. Exercise itself is usually possible outside healthcare, whether or not after a start within healthcare.


The costs of exercise are much lower than those of care. Nevertheless, support to exercise more is not a structural part of care, a missed opportunity. However, the intentions of the government are hopeful. The integrated care agreement focuses more on prevention and health and from 2023, municipalities will have more financial room for investment in prevention, including the offer of exercise. Money will also be made available for cooperation between domains.

Unfortunately, this does not solve the practical problems. Despite strong scientific evidence, the healthcare sector hardly recognizes sport and exercise as effective preventive measures. An infrastructure in which care and sport work well together is missing. A collaboration that is essential in order to use exercise as a preventive measure and as a ‘medicine’.

By: National Care Guide

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