Poison Amnesia, the other invisible war – VP News

by time news

2024-08-19 20:34:10

We live in times where it is increasingly difficult to be able to think clearly, to reason clearly in the midst of the storm that surrounds us. I really feel that the individual, the individual, is losing his voice more and his freedom of judgement. Our system, which prides itself on giving us freedom, does so only within clearly defined limits. These limits leave politics, the public sphere, where the dictatorship of thought now prevails. Yes, you can say what you want, but there are subtle and effective ways to make anyone listen to you, to make your will meaningless.

This reality that surrounds us was prefigured by great thinkers such as GK Chesterton, who warned: “The modern world, proud of education, science and civilization, is but a strange and fearful rebellion against ‘ man”. Chesterton was clearly aware of the danger of a world that, in the name of misunderstood progress, rejects human nature itself, subjecting it to ideologies that deform it.

We are in the middle of a storm that has brought with it poisonous sand, sand that has polluted everything, creating a dangerous amnesia. The memory of our past that tells the consistency of reality, the tradition that our fathers wanted to pass on as a treasure to their children, is becoming weaker. The past, which should be our point of reference, is instead reinterpreted through the distorted lens of the so-called “new rights”. Vladimir Soloviev had warned us: “A humanity that no longer seeks divine truth, but its own will, turns into a destructive force.” The so-called new rights are only an expression of this human will disconnected from truth, an attempt to bend reality to our desires, to reshape it according to patterns we do not fully understand and cannot control.

And what did this time produce if not war? From Syria to Libya, from the Russia-Ukraine war to the justification for these attacks. We are no longer individuals, but members of a community where the new leadership applies unique thinking. Soloviev spoke about the danger of the “Antichrist” who would unite the world in one ideology, while masquerading as the benefactor of humanity, extinguishing all diversity and freedom. Today, we see this danger manifested in various forms of thought control and manipulation.

Anything that deviates from this idea is automatically considered bad, or worse, irrelevant. But, as the Holy Scripture taught us, “a tree is known by its fruits”. And the fruits that are growing in this time, cultivated by political leaders and the current intellectuals, are rotten. We are becoming a wasteland.

What is happening is before our eyes: a world that is becoming more and more fragmented, that is becoming further from the truth, and is heading towards greater self-destruction. We must return to that truth that our fathers tried to transmit to us, rediscover the beauty of faith that gives us the strength to stand against this storm, and affirm courageously that one cannot live with lies, but with the one truth.

#Poison #Amnesia #invisible #war #News

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