Poland challenges the migration pact with a plan on “secure borders”

by time news

2023-06-29 21:09:09

Not even the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawieckinor that of Hungary, Viktor OrbanThey accept the agreement on the distribution of refugees closed at the beginning of the month by the interior ministers of the European Union, which will mean the mandatory relocation of 30,000 people a year, and they have taken advantage of the summit that is being held this Thursday and Friday in Brussels to show their most absolute opposition to a decision that they insist must be adopted by the Heads of State and Government by consensus and not the ministers by qualified majority. “We have an alternative plan, a plan for secure European borders,” the Polish president claimed upon his arrival at the European Council calling for the reform of the Frontex agency.

“I will propose a plan called ‘The Europe of secure borders’. The Europe of secure borders is not to illegal immigration, not to the imposition of economic sanctions -the migration agreement includes the payment of 20,000 euros for each refugee not accepted-, not to the waiver of the unanimity rule. And it is yes to sovereignty, yes to security, yes to the security of Polish borders, of Polish streets, of Polish cities and towns, but we also wish it to all our European friends”, explained the ultra-conservative Polish on a controversial distribution of refugees agreed at the beginning of the month by a qualified majority and the only opposition from hungary and poland who refuse to “forced” take in refugees.

This is one of the issues that has most divided the Twenty-seven since the 2015 migration crisis although closed a priori at the beginning of the month to the satisfaction of the bulk of capital, from Berlin to Rome. The next step, in the opinion of some European leaders, should now be to formalize partnership agreements with third countries. “The president of the Commission talks about the need to think with other schemes regarding cooperation with third countries and ways to avoid dying in the Mediterranean. So we have to rethink our cooperation with third countries when we talk about the possibility of (establishing) asylum procedures in safe third countries”, defended the Austrian chancellor Karl Nehammer that last February in a letter addressed to the European Commission by a dozen countries requested the financing of billboards with European funds.

Agreement with Tunisia

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This is a line of work, that of reinforcing cooperation with third countries, supported by all the European governments that see in the partnership agreement negotiated by the EU with Tunisia a way to strengthen border management, search and rescue operations and the fight against mafias and a way to attract immigration legally because “we need workers with different capacities”, said the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz. The draft conclusions consider that these types of agreements are “mutually beneficial” because they will help the economic development of the country, promote investment, trade and the energy transition and are committed to developing similar agreements with other countries in the region.

More divergences are generated by the new item of 12,000 million euros proposed by the European Commission for immigration within the review of the European budgetary framework for 2024-2027. For countries like Italy it is “a good starting point” because to solve the migration problem “we need money” not only to reinforce borders but also for cooperation with countries like Tunisia. Others like Hungary flatly reject increasing the budget – they have frozen some items – and less for immigration because according to Orban it would mean supporting the arrival of irregular immigrants.

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