Poland wants to introduce new controls on the border with Slovakia

by time news

2023-09-26 08:07:18

Time.news – Poland has announced that it will introduce border controls on vehicles arriving from Slovakia, another EU member, to combat an illegal migration route. Anti-immigration rhetoric has been a staple of Poland’s ruling conservatives for years as the country prepares for general elections next month.

Both Poland and Slovakia they are part of the European Schengen free movement area. The reintroduction of border controls in the Schengen area is only permitted in exceptional circumstances.
“Illegal immigrants transit along the so-called Balkan route through Hungary and Slovakia, because between Poland and Slovakia there is no border, but only a Schengen border,” Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said during an election event.

“I have instructed the Interior Minister to introduce checks on minibuses, vans, cars and buses where there is suspicion of the presence of illegal immigrants,” he added, quoted by the Polish news agency Pap.

Duda are Zelensky

The Polish president, Andrzej Duda, returned to the last sparks between Kiev and Warsaw in an interview with Super Express. “In Poland, many people felt offended. Poles, both public authorities and ordinary people, sacrificed a lot to help Ukraine. Many even risked their lives. They went to Ukraine and brought help. Some even in front line. Not to mention the millions of people who have made their homes and apartments available to our Ukrainian guests.” The reference is to what happened at the UN General Assembly where the Ukrainian leader used harsh words against Poland due to the wheat dispute.

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