Pôle emploi wants to create a “pool” of unemployed people to fill labor shortages

by time news

This is an additional step in the desire to solve the recruitment problems in the sectors in tension. And, once again, the pressure is increasing on the unemployed. While the government has made full employment its goal for the five-year term and many companies are facing labor shortages, Pôle emploi is preparing a back-to-school plan, called “Tensions 2022”, in order to “strengthen the satisfaction of recruitment needs in the most affected sectors”as shown by documents sent to the regional directorates revealed by Mediapart and The world has procured.

Unsurprisingly, the hotel and catering industry, health and social services and transport are the three sectors concerned by this plan aimed at creating, by the end of September, a “breeding ground” of job seekers able to exercise “immediately or subject to rapid adaptation” the twenty-three shortage occupations identified by Pôle emploi. For each of these professions – “housekeeper, cook, dishwasher, caregiver, nurse, life assistant…” – the number of registered job seekers and the number of job vacancies available are listed.

“Tight schedule”

According to figures from the first quarter, the operator’s note lists, for example, 83,455 offers in accommodation and catering, supposed to correspond to the profile of 218,167 unemployed people in categories A and B. “We are putting a little more pressure on the unemployedreacts Denis Gravouil, of the CGT. People don’t turn down job offers for the sake of it. If these offers are not filled, there are other problems. »

The documents also show that Pôle emploi relied on the employers’ federations to establish the “jobs in tension sheets” : “We have identified the skills and attitudes most in demand and have asked professionals (through federations for example) to differentiate among these skills the “indispensable” ones for the immediate exercise of profession and the characteristics which, being able to be acquired by rapid adaptation actions, do not constitute the essential basis. »

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The agencies, which may add or remove professions depending on the territorial situation, must have received all the job seekers who will make up this “breeding ground” by the end of the year. “The schedule is very tight, the pressure will be strong on the agents”explains Guillaume Bourdic, of the CGT-Pôle emploi.

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