Police concern: Terrorist attacks in key locations across the country

by time news
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The head of the police operations division, Superintendent Sigal Bar-Zvi, explained today (Monday) in a briefing she gave to the media that according to early estimates, most of the emphasis of the police and security forces is on security in places where large numbers of people gather, such as markets, recreation centers and concentration camps. , Educational institutions and schools.

According to the briefing, the police and other security forces are now in great concern, due to the tensions of the Ramadan days combined with the wave of terror that began even before Ramadan.

According to Bar Zvi: “The activity of the security forces is currently focused on creating power in the big centers, by proving a presence that is expressed with sirens and flashing lights everywhere – because it is daunting, such a thing can deter people who want to carry out an attack. God forbid. “Markets Shuttle stations, concentration of soldiers, educational institutions and schools”.

Clashes at the Nablus Gate (Photo: Haim Goldberg, Shabbat Square)

Bar Zvi further explained, “We are currently on high alert due to a series of events that are supposed to take place and the problem that there is a lack of complete intelligence. What we are doing is producing maximum attendance and a very short response range. Of Ramadan, and other significant dates – and also very explosive. “

“As part of the deployment, we canceled all the planned training and coaching and the area was also reinforced by police officers who usually sit at the police headquarters.”

According to her, the police have 15 training companies as well as 1,300 soldiers who are integrated into the police; “All of our special units are operated for the benefit of the Battalion Command – YMS, YMM and Unit 33. At the same time, we are also bringing the array of volunteers to the maximum that is possible for us. “.

“We are in increased activity,” Bar Zvi added, adding, “This is a level B activity with Magen 3. When the state of inter-organizational readiness is B 1 – a combination of arms with the GSS and all the security forces. A state of increased security is ongoing. “

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Regarding Bennett’s statement, who turned to the citizens and told them to carry weapons, Bar Zvi said: The use of weapons must be in accordance with the law and the license – as required by law and therefore anyone who carries a weapon is responsible for its use, I think . Anyone with a weapon will do all the tests before holding a weapon and going outside. We add this to the Prime Minister’s recommendation. “

Modi’in Kobi Zrihan, who also participated in the briefing, said: “The sequence of events we have experienced in the last two or three weeks is as a result of an atmosphere that has been strengthened and heated over time – Ramadan is of course the main focus of the fire we see.”

“Unfortunately before this Ramadan we experienced three significant events that led to the uproar and heated spirits of all parties. We are in a very big tension. There is a very large preparation.”

Regarding thwarting the attacks ahead of time, Zrihan said: “It is not possible in the world to have intelligence that relates to a single incident of a single person. This is a chance that tends to zero.”

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