Police Conduct National Traffic Week with Speed Focus: Discover Drug Offences and Wanted Persons

by time news

National Traffic Week Focuses on Speeding Offences

In an effort to enhance road safety and crack down on traffic violations, the police recently conducted a national traffic week with a specific focus on speeding. Between August 14 and 20, authorities carried out speed checks in areas known for high pedestrian activity, such as near schools and in city centers.

The police in the Mitt region, which includes the counties of Gävleborg, Uppsala, and Västmanland, reported alarming figures regarding speeding offenses. During week 33, approximately 1,000 individuals were caught exceeding the speed limit in the region. Of these, around a third were driving at speeds 6-9 km/h over the limit.

However, the traffic checks also uncovered other criminal activities. According to the police, 30 drug offenses, three weapon-related crimes, and three wanted individuals were discovered during the analysis. This highlights the connection between traffic infractions and other unlawful behavior.

Conny Salestedt, the traffic coordinator in the Mitt region, emphasized the significance of traffic offenses in identifying and apprehending criminals. “Even criminals drive their children to school, and traffic offenses are often a good starting point for finding other crimes,” stated Salestedt in a press release.

The police’s efforts during the national traffic week signify their commitment to creating safer roads. By targeting speeding violations and raising public awareness regarding road safety, authorities hope to reduce accidents and promote responsible driving behavior in the future.

Source: (link to the original news article: http://www.gp.se/1.108226353)

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