Police disrupted a meeting of the left in Moscow

by time news

The police did not allow political activists to enter the Semyonovsky business center for the round table “Leftists: Interim Results and Prospects. From 2011 to 2024 “. The meeting participants stated that the management of the business center, under pressure from the police, refused to provide them with rent, which had previously been agreed and paid for.

Among the participants in the thwarted meeting were Moscow municipal deputy Sergei Tsukasov, Moscow City Duma deputy Yelena Yanchuk (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) and Yablokochnik Nikolai Kavkazsky. In a video posted by activists on Facebook, the police explain that they received information “about a mass meeting” at which they must “ensure the maintenance of public order.” Eyewitnesses also reported that a paddy wagon arrived at the building an hour before the start of the event.

According to Mr. Tsukasov, a little over an hour after the refusal of the business center to provide the activists with a hall, they “went to an alternative site.”


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