Police need an update! DGP orders to monitor the raiders

by time news
Chennai: DGP Shailendrababu has ordered that the police should monitor every movement of the raiders as a crime prevention measure.

In February, the police conducted a simultaneous crackdown across the state to control the raiders, mercenaries and those involved in katpanchaya. At that time, 3,325 people were arrested and imprisoned. They seized 1,110 weapons, including knives, from them. After that, they conduct raids from time to time and take action against the raiders.

In this case, the police has prepared a list of raiders in the entire state. Among them, a census of those in jails and those out on bail is underway. The police are also gathering information about the politicians who shelter the raiders.

Also, the police should be ‘up-to-date’ by collecting information about the raiders, mercenaries and those involved in the Khat Panchayat living in the boundaries of each police station.

DGP Shailendrababu verbally ordered yesterday that monitoring every movement of such persons should be followed as one of the daily duties of the police.

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