Police Officers Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison for Demanding Bribe – San Jacinto, Ancash – Video: Success

by time news
The judiciary sentenced police officers to 5 years in prison for demanding a bribe of 1,000 soles from a dump truck driver in the town center of San Jacinto in Ancash. Video: successful

Two police officers were sentenced this Sunday to five years in prison with the execution suspended for a period of four years after admitting that they had demanded a bribe of 1,000 soles from a dump truck driver. uncashAccording to a dispatch issued by Success.

In a hearing held at the Superior Court of Justice of the Province of Santa Santa, third class non-commissioned officer Osvaldo Javier Becerra Villanueva and David Hilario Cueva Juta — caught last Thursday in flagrante delicto — pleaded guilty and opted to end the process early to avoid an effective prison sentence.

Judge José Luis Cáceres Haro, assigned to the Anti-Corruption Preliminary Investigation Court, confirmed the agreement proposed by the Public Ministry and, in addition, imposed a two-year disqualification with rules of conduct and a shared payment of 3,000 soles as civil indemnity.

According to Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s OfficeThe agents initially demanded 250 soles to avoid legal proceedings against the driver, but when they encountered resistance, they took him to the police station and reduced their demand to 1,000 soles, accusing him of resisting authority. Extended till.

The affected person contacted a family member, who filed a complaint, resulting in the arrest of both officers. During the inspection conducted, bribe bills were found hidden in the ceiling of the bathroom of the police station, and tests conducted on the hands and clothes of the detainees confirmed their involvement in the corrupt act.

This Sunday, the judiciary issued nine months of preventive detention against non-commissioned officers. Wilder Darwin Cano Valverde and Fran Jhonatan Camarero Pariamachi, Investigated for alleged passive bribery. The measure was adopted by the Eighth Office of the Prosecutor’s Office specializing in corruption crimes of public officials. uncash,

The investigated incidents occurred in mid-February, when a citizen was detained by defendants because his vehicle lacked mandatory traffic accident insurance (SOAT) and technical inspection. According to the complaint, the agents demanded a sum of S/200 from the driver to continue his journey and avoid his arrest for the alleged crime of disobedience to authority.

The payment was made through a money transfer application to the account of a relative of Cano Valverde. The charge, in coordination with the Department of Investigation Against Corruption of Huaraz (DEPCOCOR), carried out an operation to catch officers in flagrante delicto, which allowed obtaining important evidence to support the involvement of the accused.

Trust in Peru’s armed forces and national police is low in areas affected by deaths in protests. Andean.

According to a study by the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), one in five Peruvians reported that National Police (PNP) He asked for some kind of bribe. The document reads, “Whether through bribery to avoid paying a fine or to speed up a process, the citizen enters into a relationship with officials or politicians who abuse their public position for private gain.” “

The analysis found Peru to be one of the countries with the highest incidence of this phenomenon in Latin America and the Caribbean, behind only Nicaragua (22%) and Bolivia (24%) in terms of civilian perception of bribe requests by soldiers. Is.

Likewise, it emphasizes that within the PNP’s disciplinary code, these behaviors are considered very serious offenses that may lead to the removal of the officer concerned from the service. For 2024 alone, it is expected that at least 1,500 agents will retire from the institute for disciplinary reasons, a record number compared to 1,030 and 990 retirements in 2023 and 2022, respectively.

according to him General Victor ZanabriaHead of the institution, this increase in retirements precisely responds to the increase in corrupt practices committed by members of the force.

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