Police operation at LH Wallner in Frastanz: Corona opponents wanted to go to his property – V + –

by time news

On Wednesday evening there was a police operation at the private address of Governor Markus Wallner. The police confirmed this to VOL.AT.

Around 50 people who can be assigned to the corona critic scene had agreed to take a so-called “evening walk” in Frastanz.

Lateral thinkers change tactics: walk instead of demo

With so-called “walks”, opponents of corona measures have recently tried again and again to surprise the executive and circumvent the right of assembly. On Wednesday, however, the police in Frastanz became aware of the demonstrators’ plans and were present with a number of officials at the unannounced meeting.

Wallner’s home address as destination

Frastanz was obviously not chosen by chance by the demonstrators, as it is the home town of Governor Markus Wallner and his family. The private home of the Wallner family is also located there. So it was not surprising that the group’s path led directly to the residential address of the Vorarlberg governor.

Police prevent intrusion on Wallner’s property

Some people from the group tried to get to the governor’s property on site, but were stopped in time by the police officers. At least one person who, according to the police, is known to the authorities, was subsequently reported.

Radicalization of the lateral thinkers protests

While in the past politicians in Germany were already confronted with torchlight marches and protests at their private addresses, various parts of the Vorarlberg lateral thinker scene seem to be becoming more and more radical. In addition to such calls, more or less indirect threats of violence can be found in the relevant forums.

Instead of clapping, this demonstrator would rather “smack” politicians, as he said in the aftermath of the incident at the governor’s private address on Telegram.

Not the first threat against LH Markus Wallner

It is not the first threat that Governor Markus Wallner has faced. Already in December 2021, the protection of the constitution initiated after threats against LH Markus Wallner and also state councilor Martin Rüscher.

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