Police patrol car overturns, leaving two injured in Huechuraba – 2024-07-07 09:40:30

by times news cr

2024-07-07 09:40:30

Both officers were taken to the Carabineros Hospital, where they remain hospitalized in stable condition.

At the Carabineros Hospital the victims are recovering from their wounds. Two police officers were injured this morningfollowing the overturning of the police patrol in which they were travelling in Huechuraba.

According to information provided by the uniformed police, The incident occurred on the service road of the Los Libertadores Route, with Vespucio Norte.

For reasons under investigation, the Carabineros vehicle overturned, apparently while tracking.

“The reasons for the traffic accident are still under investigation. However, according to the versions that remain, it seems that it was the result of a surveillance that was being carried out,” said the uniformed police.

They are trying to establish the causes of the police patrol car’s overturning

The SIAT of Carabineros began the investigations at the scene, with the purpose of determining the circumstances in which the accident occurred, as well as establishing the cause that led to the overturning of the patrol car in Huechuraba.

It is currently unknown whether the police officer driving the patrol car had some problem that caused him to lose control of the vehicle, or if the accident was the result of a crash.

Both injured were transferred to the Carabineros Hospital, where They remain hospitalized in stable conditionas reported from the health facility.

The background of the event were placed at the disposal of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

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