Police shooting riot at 16-year-olds in Argentina

by time news

After the death of a youth at a police checkpoint, security forces and demonstrators in Argentina fought heavy clashes. Angry people threw stones and incendiary devices at the police in the seaside resort of Miramar south of Buenos Aires on Friday, as was seen on television. The officers fired rubber bullets and tear gas into the crowd.

The night before, a 16-year-old had resisted a police check with his motorcycle. After a car chase, he was caught by officers and shot in the chest. One policeman was arrested. According to media reports, the official said the shot was accidentally released.

Accessed on December 11th, 2021 at 3:36 am on https://www.sn.at/panorama/international/krawalle-nach-polizeischuessen-auf-16-jaehrigen-in-argentinien-113847943

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